I used to go through Derby on my way to New Haven. The Cops hiding all over convinced me to use the Merritt and take a chance with the Troopers.

I've driven the Merritt Pkwy when I used to live in Stamford,CT. as a child.I used to drive from Stamford to Milford on it every day.I love the section of bridge right next to Sikorsky Aircraft which crosses the Housatonic River.I've ridden it on a cycle plenty also and it's cool to look straight down through the bridge grate at the river below you while you're rolling;it kind of takes your breathe away too

Yes I agree. That is just before I get on that #$%*ty I95 for the last miles of my trip. I like that bridge also.
I am lucky I get glimpse one of the new Blackhawks coming in or going out.
They changed up that bridge a number of years ago. Now it's normal tarmac and safe, haha. No more metal grate that steers for you. A bit less fun in my opinion.
Southern CT too, got about a foot, which is better than the predicted two feet...
Derby, huh? I haven't been to Roseland Pizza in a while. Great little spot. And I wish there were more of a SOHC4 presence at the Dew Drop, haha.
1978 Honda CB550K
Roseland is great, IMO every bit as good as the New Haven pies.
Never took my 500 down to the Dew, I ride up and down 34 all the time though. Maybe this season. 
Yeah, they have great pizza. I go to New Haven a lot and I agree. As good for sure. This coming season I'll venture down to the Dew. If you see a fallen CB550 with a guy getting beat up next to it, be a friend and save me. Those Harley guys are scared of and get mad at things they don't understand. Although I did hear this last time I was there from two scary big dudes, "Oh my God, you're such a potato!" "No, you're a potato!!!" Doesn't seem as dangerous as it appears.
1978 Honda CB550K