Dang Bucky, I thought my stock stroke 88mm bore bug was fast. I had a 65 ghia too.
Hey Jeff and Don, bring on the stories AND the photos, if you've got em'. It's ALL cool stuff! Personally, I had 2 different VWs (a 73' "The Thing" and a 70' Bug. Neither one had another REAL power to them and I had the Thing wound out, for all it would get and that was a flat 70mph on I-40 heading toward Little Rock trying to just Keep Brenda in sight (she was in her 69' road runner)!

Like to have that old Thing back, but with the GTX here now, don't know if I would be content to drive IT now. Kinda pumped to hear and feel the old GTX, you know?

Oh, I know that the VW's can be really built for power, but I just don't have the gumption myself, Like to HEAR about them though. So, talk on brothers!