I just received the nastiest virus I've gotten in a long time.
It started by emulating the windows live virus scanner, then it would tell me everything I clicked was infected. and if I clicked check for viruses it would check very quickly and tell me I had key loggers trojans and many other "horrible" things that weren't there.
I couldn't start up my AVG scanner, start up menu, task manager, or share my C:\ drive (so I could check for viruses from the laptop) because it would tell me it was infected.
I noticed it wouldn't start the fake virus scanner until midway through loading everything in the system tray so I opened the task manager before the "virus" loaded up. IT WORKED!!! I shut down 3 programs before it started up- I don't know what they were called but I knew I didn't recognize them... they were something like "jkqs... something like that. I'm now running AVG in hopes that it finds it. I'll report back the results.