Once I get my magneto back on, bleed the front brakes, and mount the magnet on the sprocket, I'll take it for a spin and see how it performs. I'd assume it's pretty good considering it's the same hookup they use on a lot of their models and I couldnt find any complaints. I havent seen any of their mechanical hookups for the speedos. When I called their tech dept, they said they had nothing that would match a cb750.
Looks like the website drastically changed since the last time I was there. They used to have a list of different connectors they had with pictures. The guy I talked to at tech support said, "Just see if there's one that looks like your speedo cable, and it should work." Obviously, this did not fill me with confidence, as I have not yet purchased one.
So, how do these magnetic ones work, anyway? I mean, obviously, they read how many times the wheel passes the sensor, but I'm unclear on how they hook up and exactly what on the wheel they're reading.