Author Topic: Call a friend just to say "Hi" today!  (Read 633 times)

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Offline Magpie

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Call a friend just to say "Hi" today!
« on: January 24, 2010, 09:56:14 AM »
Ever think of someone and say to yourself. "I should give them a call today"? And then not do it? Or see them walking across a parking lot but not call out just to say hi? I did both these things in the last while because I knew my friend was not well and didn't like talking about it. Turns out I should have. His handsome face was in Obituaries yesterday. Only 55 years old and a fairly young family. He was a car guy, a friend and a client. He taught me that if I was getting frustrated and angry when something wasn't going right on my bikes, to cover it up, walk away and let it go for another day. His advice always served me well.
Rest in peace Tony!
Call your friends, kids, family, whoever comes to mind just to say hi. Today.