To make a long story short, I decided to sell a '71 CB175 I have due to getting it all back together and finding the transmission won't shift into 3rd gear. I just had this image of gears and springs and small parts flying all over the garage. Anyway, I had a guy show up that ended up not interested but turns out he worked in a couple shops over the years. He took a 400F transmission I have and showed me how it all worked. I now figure either the dogs are worn off or a shift fork is bent. He told me I didn't have to take the top end apart to do this. After that, I did some digging around here and I found a long transmission thread that seems to confirm this. So I'm getting more confident I can get it fixed. I picked up a whole transmission off eBay. I wanted to wait until I saw what exactly was wrong but I didn't have time since the auction was ending and I got a whole transmission off eBay for $40 shipped.
But here's the question. When I took my 400F apart, I snapped a number of bolts in the cases. What is the best way to get those out? Should I heat them with a torch and tap with a hammer at first?