FYI, the F2/F3 cam has around .5mm more lift than any of the others. Don't use F2 pistons with an F2 cam with anything but an F2 head, or your valves will lightly "kiss" the pistons. I can show you pics if you're not sure.
I've just rebuilt my F2 engine with a K6 top end (K6 pistons, cylinder block and head) but I kept the F2 cam for a little more "poke".
It's not a great cam, but it was there, and as the K6 pistons have deeper valve pockets than the F2 pistons, I'm 99.99999% sure that they won't meet.
I was trying to decide whether to pull the valves apart to fit new guide seals, so for inspiration I tipped the head upside down and filled the combustion chambers with solvent, and 3 out of 4 leaked past the valves. I've now replaced 2 exhaust valves and lapped in all of the valves, and my solvent test and subsequent "compressed air into the ports" test has revealed that they're all sealing now, and are good to go. Hopefully, I won't have to pull that engine again. Cheers, Terry.