When will people learn that putting a Ducati tail section on a bike DOESN'T look good on most any bike EXCEPT the Ducati it belongs on...
The three wheeler is pretty cool though lol.
Keep your bike just the way it is Bill!
Hey Guy. I wish I could find the Gold Wing that had the exhaust run up under the tail, by it's dufuss owner! The CBX looks GOOD compared to that. I didn't necessarily mean that I was considering moding MY CBX, not by ANY means!

It's just that, the CBX in that video, kinda gives me the wants, to build ONE, NOT Mine though. When I look at my CBX, I just can't imagine taking on in that state of good looks (AND being complete) and start modifying it. It'd be like taking a mint Deuce Coupe and stripping it down to customize it. I just couldn't do that. I COULD however, take a basket case OR gather parts and build one (car, bike or whatever).

Of course, THAT takes Money AND, depending on how far you want to go, Lots Of It!

I thought the 3 wheeler was cool too, but I could NEVER afford a CBX engine to do THAT with though. However, I DO happen to have an old 79' CB750K, that someone had put a 3 wheeler rear axle setup on.

Same BASIC style engine. DOHC Four! Hmmm! Now, I wonder if it can be made to run? Uh oh, the wheels in my head, are turning.

And, when THAT happens, there's no telling how it will come out!

"Stay Tuned for another episode of,
As the Wheels Turn, The Mind Burns!"

BTW, anyone know where there is one of those Big Reds (or something equivalent?