OK so I've finished work at the prison for the day, cruising home window down just letting the breeze chill me out when I notice the temperature guage has gone down to cold, normally she sits at dead middle of range so this is strange.
But not bad strange as overheating would be bad, there is a distinct rattle now coming from under the car, something lose possibly, I'll fix it when I get home, nothing new for my trusty 1994 Nissan Sylvia to shake something lose.
Hang on now the temp guage reads really really hot? How does that work??
OK I can smell something burning now but I'm almost home.....ah not gonna make it, smoke from under bonnet...arrrgghhh smoke from under dash...filling car "choke".
Time to bail, grab cell phone, wallet and work bag, smoke everywhere now.
Sit down on fence and wait for smoke to die down, this doesn't happen, OK I know better than to open the bonnet so I ring 111 and talk to the nice Fire dept lady, "just one truck with an extinguisher will be fine" I tell her.
Sirens, big fire truck arrives, by now hardly any smoke, I feel really stink, but they see the uniform and give me some shared curtesy, they flip open the bonnet and no smoke no flame?