I was refferring to stock carbs on the 811s and 836s.
I realize that, each bike can vary a bit, and jetting should be changed to suit plug out of that bike. What I am getting at is that if a lot of cammed bored motors dont need 130 or bigger why would a stock bore/cam motor need it at any elevation?
I think a lot of bikes are overjetted, and when you ask the owner how/why they arrived at that size it is obvious it is not correct..
Things like, I tried to check the main at full throttle, but couldnt pull over... well , it isnt on the main plug condition, if you didnt kill the motor and coast to a stop, is it?
I find it hard to believe that you could only get 40 mpg (on a 750) if jetted right, unless the breadbox is clogged..