Top one is start straight at mallory just before footbridge. Rae Racing I guess would be Bill Rae Racing. He had a bike shop in wakefield and sponsored quite a few riders over the years. He let me ride one of his tz,s at the end of 76 and was going to help me in 77 but Steve Ward persuaded him he should back him instead. I had lost out on a club championship in 76 (Graham Atha won it) when my td2 broke its crank in the last race of the series. All I needed was to do was finish in the top 5 to win the championship. Anyway Bill then let me ride one of his tz,s for my last couple of meetings that year. I promptly slung it down the road at croft whilst leading my first race on it (I remember Atha and Alan Stewart being two of the guys behiind me) and then took it to the last meeting where I Had A best finish of fourth behind Steve wright , I think Pete Banks and Phil Mellor who actually got by me at the last corner.(didn,t want to crash it this time!) Was really looking forward to 77 till I realized Bill was going to back Steve Ward. So back to building the best bike I could afford at the time. I needed a Tz but having a wife and family to support It just wasnt possible. No regrets though. Wouldn,t have missed it for anything and Im still enjoying myself racing bikes all these years later. Just wish I could have afforded the bikes I have now first time around. Didn,t know Tony Smith at the time but do know him now. Born and bred in Wakefield Malcomb. Sad thing is I have very few photo,s from that time as we spent all the money on the bike and photo,s were just a luxury.