Author Topic: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing  (Read 3718 times)

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cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« on: January 28, 2010, 03:50:06 PM »
side mount tail light and license plate
current "z bars" 8 inch lift
ammo can saddle bag
solo seat
jetted carbs 135
pod are filters
4 2 2 exhaust
rear end lowered 5 inches
cut and remounted rear fender

bike as it sits now

next up
replace handle bars
clean them up a bit. (if anyone has any times on replacing the stock kill switch and starter switch i would be very interested in hearing)
moved battery box and electrical components
mount fender struts and new sissy bar

new bars

almost done with them

any advice or tips let me know what you think of the project so far.

Offline The_Crippler

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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2010, 09:38:16 AM »
I'd be interested in seeing some shots of the bike from other angles.

How tall are those apes?


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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2010, 11:23:10 AM »
the ones on there are an 8 inch rise
the ones i just made are like 16 i think

heres a few more photos

heres how it sits with a rider

Offline UK Pete

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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #3 on: January 29, 2010, 11:30:15 AM »
Nice looking bike there lunchandmurder, the only thing i am unsure on is the handle bars,

Offline The_Crippler

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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #4 on: January 29, 2010, 11:36:30 AM »
Thanks for getting back with pics so fast.  Must be nice to live somewhere where you can actually make a true bobber.  (PA limits me from deleting things like fenders, turn signals, etc...that's why I'm going more cruiser.)

I'm planning on putting 12 inch bars on mine, so your pic gives me a good visual of how it might look.  

One thing I'm going to point out about yours is that you might want to give some thought to the 16-inchers.  I wouldn't really have thought about it if it wasn't for the pic with the rider - 16 is higher than I'd go, but it works on some bikes.  In this case, looking at the stance of the bike and how the rider looks - doubling the height of the bars looks like it might make control go right out the window.  The CB line has a pretty short(length)-n-narrow stance, and raising the bars that high will make it a lot taller.  Just my two cents.

I know choppers/bobbers aren't really the thing on this board (restos and racers rule) so it's nice to see someone going their own way.

Offline MickeyX

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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #5 on: January 29, 2010, 12:14:06 PM »
I like it. I too wonder about the much higher bars but really, the best thing to do is just pull off what you have and put the others on for mock up and take pics from different angles, with and without rider. Then you can see for yourself how it looks. I'm not big on apes mostly because I'm pretty short but it's not my ride. For you, they probably would work out fine. The other consideration is needing longer cables.

I'd like to know more about your jetting and the pods you're running. I see you have an '80 bike. Those press in jets are less than easy to find replacements in different sizes. Did you ream them or buy them? How do you like how it runs with the pods? The biggest positive for us would be the ease of carb removal. What a b!tch it is to get them in and out with the air box. We've got a system now but damn.  :o A few on here have tried to go pods but ended up going back to the air box. We like learning what mods someone has done to their 650. Please share.  ;D

Also, in case you haven't caught it, the Bike of the Month is all 650s this time. It's the 1st time that 650s have been really represented on there. We were looking for more 650s to put in when the nominations were happening but not many have theirs in a "done" spot just yet. We can always use more support for these unloved models so please drop by over there and cast a vote if you have the time. Thanks.  :)

Another 650 bobber build was done by Martino1972. That guy welds everything:D It's another cool bobber build though and worth checking out for your style of bike. Ya never know what you can pickup on or contribute to. He's since stopped posting on here for personal home reasons, just when he was doing a total teardown to repaint and redo some stuff. Shame we won't get to see the final project but it's still worth checking out the thread.  8)

Good luck on the bike. I think it looks great.  :)
1969 CL350 Scrambler... almost done!!! Well, until something else goes wrong. :)
2006 HD 883 Sportster, stock. No use changing it, it's still gonna be a Harley.


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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2010, 12:36:39 PM »
Carb Jetting and Pod filters on the cb 650

the carbs are jetted to i believe 130 on the mains and i think 90 in the pilot (but i'd have to double check)
very correct in the fact that the replacement for the press in jets are hard to fine. We hand drilled them out size by size and just tried over and over again till we got it right. the pilot jets are not that tough to get out, seems to be a common complaint, but i found them pretty easy to get in and out just BE CAREFUL for sure.

The Pods are great, between the pods, the jetting and the straight pipes we've probably added 40 horse power to the bike. The air intake or (airbox) on the bike originally is garbage. Very poorly designed and restricts the bike from being more like its 750 big brother. I've ran mine all the way up to 115mph after all the mods, and she was ready to keep going!

My only warning is don't take the slip ons off and leave the shorties. You lose all your back pressure and no amount of jetting will fix it.

thanks for your questions and advice


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Re: cb650 bobber any tips on the stuff i plan on doing
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2010, 12:41:13 PM »
i mocked the bars up allready they felt alright. we'll see when i ride it though.

on the cable thought, i'll be moving all the switches off the bars. i ordered an new throttle assbly today and all thats left is the clutch line and the break cable