Author Topic: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100  (Read 3528 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« on: January 30, 2010, 04:24:19 PM »

        Yeah, I REALLY have no need for the 83' GPZ1100 that I picked up on back around August or Sept last year. IF I'd had any idea that my buddy was going to make me a deal on his CBX, I never would have gotten the GPZ, but I'll have to sat that it has been quite an experience to HAVE the GPZ. Trying to be at least somewhat practical, you know? ??? :) I have enough to get in trouble with anyway. :D BUT it'll be a VERY COLD day, when I put the CBX up for sale, you can bet on that! ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline bucky katt

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2010, 05:24:52 PM »
hell Bill, send it to Columbia, I'll take good care of it for you man  ;D
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2010, 07:40:27 PM »
hell Bill, send it to Columbia, I'll take good care of it for you man  ;D

   Bet you would Jeff, I'll just bet you would. ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline dhall57

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2010, 07:01:42 AM »
Hey Bill, I think I saw a pic of your CBX several threads ago, *BEAUTIFUL BIKE* don't blame you one bit for not selling that fine machine!!!
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2010, 07:22:27 AM »
Hey Bill, I think I saw a pic of your CBX several threads ago, *BEAUTIFUL BIKE* don't blame you one bit for not selling that fine machine!!!

            Thank you for the compliments on the CBX. I have to agree Totally! :) I've ALWAYS liked them from the 1st time I saw one! The look of the bike AND the thought of having 6 cylinders hanging under you, is incredible! Then I got the chance to actually ride one! :o I was hooked! I NEVER thought I'd ever be able to have one of my own though. I figured that I'd see them come and go, like countless other bikes AND cars over the years. :-\ But, then my Buddy offered me the deal on this one and, I just HAD to take it! He and I have talked about it afterwards and we BOTH wish that he had made the offer sooner, but he didn't know that I was even considering the GPZ AND HE didn't really WANT to sell the CBX, but (if he did) he didn't want to sell to just ANYBODY. He wanted to be sure that the CBX would be in the hands of someone who'd appreciate it AND take care of it (not out hot rodding it and abusing it as well). Ah well, Hindsight and Foresight, eh?

          Yeah, I plan to keep THIS one for a very long time. I won't say that I haven't enjoyed having the GPZ, because I have. I just am admitting to myself that the GPZ isn't REALLY my kind of bike. It Has the looks and the speed, but SO DOES the CBX! I've heard comments by some, that the CBX doesn't handle well. I have NO IDEA why they
would say something like that. To ME, the CBX handles like a bike that is smaller. Riding it doesn't scream out that there is a massive engine under you. I guess it's an "Individual Thing"!

                                         Take care, Bill ;)     
Member # 1969
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Offline HavocTurbo

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2010, 10:07:29 AM »
How much Bill...... 8)

I probably cannot take advantage at this time..... but maybe.

Real question is... Can you afford to keep it? Or do you need the money?

The GPZ1100 is a collector's item for sure. Maybe not as popular as the CBX, but collector material none the less.

I'm not trying to pry. But just asking. PM me a response if you'd rather not share with the class your reasoning.
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Offline kirkn

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #6 on: February 02, 2010, 10:45:48 AM »
Eh.  Life's too short!  You bought it, you owned it, you rode it, you have the memories, now you're ready to own another one of something else.  Sell it and daydream about the next bike!

I wouldn't hesitate a minute to sell the GPz and try something else!  Or try nothing else at all.

I mean, I NEVER consider that I'll own one particular bike for eternity.  My tastes change, my wants/needs, my wallet, etc.  Sometimes I change 'em just for change's sake.  One or two regrets, maybe a little, but hey, that's all part of the experience!

Just my two cents, and probably explains why I've had 8 neat street bikes come and go in the last 5 years...  :)

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #7 on: February 02, 2010, 02:19:49 PM »
How much Bill...... 8)

I probably cannot take advantage at this time..... but maybe.

Real question is... Can you afford to keep it? Or do you need the money?

The GPZ1100 is a collector's item for sure. Maybe not as popular as the CBX, but collector material none the less.

I'm not trying to pry. But just asking. PM me a response if you'd rather not share with the class your reasoning.

          No, I don't HAVE to sell it, at least not at this point. I just thought that IF I was to sell it, I could better concentrate on others that I have. $2,500.00 is what I've set the price at. But, if I don't get any takers OR decide against it, I'll just keep it in shape, try and do a paint job on it and replace the graphics later on (maybe this Summer or Fall).

         And I KNOW that you AREN'T trying to PRY. I understand you concern. ;)

       It IS a cool bike and I am GLAD for the experience of owning AND riding it. After all it IS quite a fascinating ride AND will give you a CHARGE, as you take off down the road. 8) Maybe part of it is the fact that I've never in my life, had more than one decent bike OR car at any one time (except right after I first got married and we had both of the road runners, but we had to sell one shortly after we got married).
So, I guess I feel kinda greedy by having this one too. I'm not realy sure. :-\ 

     Anyway, I'm okay either way. Take care, Bill ;)

Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #8 on: February 02, 2010, 02:22:29 PM »
Eh.  Life's too short!  You bought it, you owned it, you rode it, you have the memories, now you're ready to own another one of something else.  Sell it and daydream about the next bike!

I wouldn't hesitate a minute to sell the GPz and try something else!  Or try nothing else at all.

I mean, I NEVER consider that I'll own one particular bike for eternity.  My tastes change, my wants/needs, my wallet, etc.  Sometimes I change 'em just for change's sake.  One or two regrets, maybe a little, but hey, that's all part of the experience!

Just my two cents, and probably explains why I've had 8 neat street bikes come and go in the last 5 years...  :)

            Yeah, I'm not sure what I want to do, actually. I DO know that I don't want to take a loss on it, and won't, unless things get tight. Which they aren't. We'll just see how it goes. ;)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Offline Steve_K

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #9 on: February 02, 2010, 02:28:46 PM »
Gee it has never been MY intent to only own one bike.  I tell myself I don't need another bike, but needing and wanting are not the same.  I don't regret selling my past bikes because I am always looking.
Sell it and find the next one.  Good to have it in your list of bikes ridden.  
One hint, if you do decide to sell, don't ride it anymore.  If you do it will remind you how much fun it is and you could change your mind.

Good Luck deciding!

76 CB 550, 73CB750, 86 GSX-R750, 16 Slingshot
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #10 on: February 02, 2010, 05:00:55 PM »
Gee it has never been MY intent to only own one bike.  I tell myself I don't need another bike, but needing and wanting are not the same.  I don't regret selling my past bikes because I am always looking.
Sell it and find the next one.  Good to have it in your list of bikes ridden.  
One hint, if you do decide to sell, don't ride it anymore.  If you do it will remind you how much fun it is and you could change your mind.

Good Luck deciding!

  Oh, it's not because I have 2 bikes. Fact is, I presently have:

      1. the 80' CBX
      2. the 83' GPZ1100
      3. the 80' CB750K w/sidecar
      4. the 77' CB750A
      5. the 80' CB650C
      6. the 72' SL350K2
      7. the 72' CZ175
      Then there are the "Project bikes" (some would call parts bikes)

    8. & 9. Most of 2 (63' & 66')CB77 305 Super Hawks
  10. 63' CL72
  11. & 12. 77' & 78' CB550K
  13. 78' CB550K
  14. 73' CB500K
  15. & 16. 74' CB450K7 (2 of them)
  17. 74' CL450K6
  18. 69' or 70' CB450 (serial # says one,while the look say the other)
  19. 69' CB450
  20.       CB400F
  21. 79' CB750K (part of it)
  22. & 23. 72' SL350K2 (part of 2 of them)
  24. 69' SL350K0 (disassembled and a few parts missing)      
  25. 80' SR500
  26. 73' RD350
  27.       RZ350 (roller No engine, no eletrics, no fairing)
  28. 60's 250 Jawa
  29. 50's 50cc Jawa (modified)
  30. & 31. 75' MX400B (part of the 2)
  32. 78' DT250E
  33. 34' & 35' 78' -80' DT175 (part of 3 of them)
  36.      RV90 Suzuki
  37.      Sprint SS 350 (roller)
  38. 74' CZ175
  39. 80' CB650C

        (got a very interested party in the 450 stuff)
        (Sprint "Roller" has been spoken for also)  

        Not to mention misc parts, some of which, I have no idea what
        they fit.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2010, 05:15:00 PM by bill440cars »
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Offline martin99

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2010, 03:22:36 PM »
The GPZ 1100 was the first bike I literally soiled myself on as a pillion to my (ex) brother in law who used to dispatch in London. When it took off I swear the G forces were so bad my testicles ended up in my neck. Sell it - it will kill you ;D
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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #12 on: February 03, 2010, 07:44:20 PM »
The GPZ 1100 was the first bike I literally soiled myself on as a pillion to my (ex) brother in law who used to dispatch in London. When it took off I swear the G forces were so bad my testicles ended up in my neck. Sell it - it will kill you ;D
    It DOES kind of give you the "I can go as fast as I want" feeling. ::)

   AND, to prove it, I've had it up to the 100mph mark and considering 120 next, and then 130 and so on and so on. ::)
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
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Offline Laminar

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #13 on: February 03, 2010, 07:51:32 PM »
An apostrophe is used to indicated that some part of a word/phrase was left out. 1976 becomes '76.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #14 on: February 03, 2010, 08:14:52 PM »
An apostrophe is used to indicated that some part of a word/phrase was left out. 1976 becomes '76.

                    Oops! :-\ ;)

    I'm Left Handed, what could you expect? :D
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #15 on: February 04, 2010, 12:42:58 AM »
Gee it has never been MY intent to only own one bike.  I tell myself I don't need another bike, but needing and wanting are not the same.  I don't regret selling my past bikes because I am always looking.
Sell it and find the next one.  Good to have it in your list of bikes ridden.  
One hint, if you do decide to sell, don't ride it anymore.  If you do it will remind you how much fun it is and you could change your mind.

Good Luck deciding!

  Oh, it's not because I have 2 bikes. Fact is, I presently have:

      1. the 80' CBX
      2. the 83' GPZ1100
      3. the 80' CB750K w/sidecar
      4. the 77' CB750A
      5. the 80' CB650C
      6. the 72' SL350K2
      7. the 72' CZ175
      Then there are the "Project bikes" (some would call parts bikes)

    8. & 9. Most of 2 (63' & 66')CB77 305 Super Hawks
  10. 63' CL72
  11. & 12. 77' & 78' CB550K
  13. 78' CB550K
  14. 73' CB500K
  15. & 16. 74' CB450K7 (2 of them)
  17. 74' CL450K6
  18. 69' or 70' CB450 (serial # says one,while the look say the other)
  19. 69' CB450
  20.       CB400F
  21. 79' CB750K (part of it)
  22. & 23. 72' SL350K2 (part of 2 of them)
  24. 69' SL350K0 (disassembled and a few parts missing)      
  25. 80' SR500
  26. 73' RD350
  27.       RZ350 (roller No engine, no eletrics, no fairing)
  28. 60's 250 Jawa
  29. 50's 50cc Jawa (modified)
  30. & 31. 75' MX400B (part of the 2)
  32. 78' DT250E
  33. 34' & 35' 78' -80' DT175 (part of 3 of them)
  36.      RV90 Suzuki
  37.      Sprint SS 350 (roller)
  38. 74' CZ175
  39. 80' CB650C

        (got a very interested party in the 450 stuff)
        (Sprint "Roller" has been spoken for also)  

        Not to mention misc parts, some of which, I have no idea what
        they fit.

Wow I would say you are into motorcycles. I never did own one but rode one back when I was a kid a 450 honda have been tempted to buy a CL450 I like the look of drum brakes and the scrambler pipes, but I keep telling myself I need something bigger for any serious long distance freeway riding. I went
From a CL160 as a kid to when I was 18 had a job couple yrs to a new 71
CB750 kept it about four yrs sold it, next motorcycle 79 KZ1300 when it came out, I had to have that six cylinder, water cooling, did not care for the looks of the bike but it was a great long distance bike I rode it as far as 970 miles one day no windshield (windshields are for cars lol) 5600 miles in two weeks. I want to ride one around twice that distance, I'm thinking around the outer perimeter of the united states, it would take a new or very close to new dependable motorcycle to do it.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 02:22:49 AM by James360 »

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #16 on: February 04, 2010, 04:04:20 AM »
Gee it has never been MY intent to only own one bike.  I tell myself I don't need another bike, but needing and wanting are not the same.  I don't regret selling my past bikes because I am always looking.
Sell it and find the next one.  Good to have it in your list of bikes ridden.  
One hint, if you do decide to sell, don't ride it anymore.  If you do it will remind you how much fun it is and you could change your mind.

Good Luck deciding!

  Oh, it's not because I have 2 bikes. Fact is, I presently have:

      1. the 80' CBX
      2. the 83' GPZ1100
      3. the 80' CB750K w/sidecar
      4. the 77' CB750A
      5. the 80' CB650C
      6. the 72' SL350K2
      7. the 72' CZ175
      Then there are the "Project bikes" (some would call parts bikes)

    8. & 9. Most of 2 (63' & 66')CB77 305 Super Hawks
  10. 63' CL72
  11. & 12. 77' & 78' CB550K
  13. 78' CB550K
  14. 73' CB500K
  15. & 16. 74' CB450K7 (2 of them)
  17. 74' CL450K6
  18. 69' or 70' CB450 (serial # says one,while the look say the other)
  19. 69' CB450
  20.       CB400F
  21. 79' CB750K (part of it)
  22. & 23. 72' SL350K2 (part of 2 of them)
  24. 69' SL350K0 (disassembled and a few parts missing)      
  25. 80' SR500
  26. 73' RD350
  27.       RZ350 (roller No engine, no eletrics, no fairing)
  28. 60's 250 Jawa
  29. 50's 50cc Jawa (modified)
  30. & 31. 75' MX400B (part of the 2)
  32. 78' DT250E
  33. 34' & 35' 78' -80' DT175 (part of 3 of them)
  36.      RV90 Suzuki
  37.      Sprint SS 350 (roller)
  38. 74' CZ175
  39. 80' CB650C

        (got a very interested party in the 450 stuff)
        (Sprint "Roller" has been spoken for also)  

        Not to mention misc parts, some of which, I have no idea what
        they fit.

Wow I would say you are into motorcycles. I never did own one but rode one back when I was a kid a 450 honda have been tempted to buy a CL450 I like the look of drum brakes and the scrambler pipes, but I keep telling myself I need something bigger for any serious long distance freeway riding. I went
From a CL160 as a kid to when I was 18 had a job couple yrs to a new 71
CB750 kept it about four yrs sold it, next motorcycle 79 KZ1300 when it came out, I had to have that six cylinder, water cooling, did not care for the looks of the bike but it was a great long distance bike I rode it as far as 970 miles one day no windshield (windshields are for cars lol) 5600 miles in two weeks. I want to ride one around twice that distance, I'm thinking around the outer perimeter of the united states, it would take a new or very close to new dependable motorcycle to do it.

          Yeah, (to be as brief as possible, it went like this) I can thank my Granddad and my Dad, for my love of the motorcycles. :D My Granddad started his own motorcycle shop in 1932 and my Dad joined him full time, when he dropped out of high school. So, I was around them since I was born and around "The Shop" as soon as I could walk.
When I hit my Dad up for one, he said if I graduated the 7th grade (2nd time around!  ::) ) I could get one that Summer after shool was out. I DID and we went down that next Saturday, only to find out that he as going to hand me a Parts Book (which I have to this very day) to a 125cc Jawa Street motorcycle and said, "It's Upstairs, YOU just have to put it together!" ::) :) I DID and my interest of Motorcycles grew on! kinda got away from them for quite awhile, got married and money just wasn't there for them for quite some time, then our Daughter was born and developed seizure problems which took alot of money (even with good insurance), but thing eased up a few years ago and I started picking up some (mostly salvage one) from a local Bike Shop, like some folks pick up stray dogs and cats! ::) Next thing I knew, I had more "Project Bikes" than I could ever work out (time AND money wise)! :o    But, basically, that's about it! ;)

           YOUR story sounds interesting as well. I've wondered about the Kawasaki 6cyl myself and had the opportunity to pick up on one from ebay awhile back (after I got the CBX and considered it as a stablemate for the CBX), just didn't do it. Kinda wished I had now. I'd never ridden one either. Like YOU, I wouldn't want a winshield oand stuff on it either. ;)   
Member # 1969
PRAYERS ALWAYS FOR: Bre, Jeff & Virginia, Bear, Trevor & Brianna ( Close Friend's Daughter)
"Because HE lives, I can Face Tomorrow"                  
 You CAN Teach An Old Dog New Tricks, Just Takes A Little Bit Longer & A Lot More Patience!! 
Main Rides: '02 Durango, '71 Swinger & Dad's '93
                  Dakota LE 4x4 '66 CB77 & '72 SL350K2
Watch What You Step Into, It Could  End Up A Mess!


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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #17 on: February 04, 2010, 02:47:21 PM »
The kawasaki was great for what it was designed to be sort of a high speed tourer it weighed 690 pounds it was never ment to be a handler
i new that before i bought it, never have cared much about corner
carving on motorcycles I had some sports cars to do that, You owning the CBX you know all about the smoothness of a six cylinder, your CBX
is bound to have a better power weight ratio then my kawasaki did much
better handler, would i recomend the kawasaki to someone if they wanted a very comfortable high speed stripped down motorcycle you bet i would, someone in to corner carving better get something else lol.
Kawasaki made the bike two yrs stripped down then in my opinion ruined
it with luggage stuff. I wanted it for the power, smoothness, water cooling. My fathers thing was luxury cars most of the time bought used but he did ride motorcycles went with me and other friends on cross country trips he seemed to end up loving motorcycles more then i ever did, but on a country two lane road he came up on a corner someone had dropped what must have been a five gallon bucket of oil off the back of a pickup long story short he went down a full face helment saved his life but he was knocked out, he broke his collar bone, the socket in his left shoulder arm and all his ribs on his left side, some farmer stopped picked him up took him about 15 miles to a hospital emergy room. before the farmer showed up a deacon from some church showed up all he could talk about was needing to get to a meeting and how my father should sue someone, what a piece of crud, Good thing all deacons and preachers are not a piece of crud like him. The motorcycle my father was riding was a bought brand new 82 honda CB900C, motorcycle sales were slow back then I bought it new in 1984 and the helment for him on his 56 birthday, he rode it on a lot of trips with me other friends tell he was in his 60s, after all those bones were broken my father barely ever rode the motorcycle around the neighborhood was about it. Obviously riding motorcycles are a risk factor, one of my cousins that rode when he was younger had a Norton he bought his son a motorcycle after his only son was killed on it he does not like to hear the word motorcycle. When I showed up at the emergy room with my father I was a little sick I had bought the thing.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2010, 09:18:39 PM by James360 »

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #18 on: February 04, 2010, 02:59:51 PM »
That GPz would look good in my garage.
I don't have a motorcycle, sold it ('85 Yamaha Venture Royale).  Haven't had a CB750 for over 40 years.

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #19 on: February 05, 2010, 03:20:25 PM »
Bill, let me know if some of the 450 stuff if your parting them out does not sell, some of the front end parts if its drum brake CL stuff I would be intersested.

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Re: Having Second Thoughts About Keeping The GPZ1100
« Reply #20 on: February 05, 2010, 06:13:45 PM »
That GPz would look good in my garage.

           I don't know Tipper, it  just might be ornery enough to try to turn your Big YAMAHA against you and Take Over! :o :D
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