Author Topic: Honda CB750 intro  (Read 817 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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Honda CB750 intro
« on: January 08, 2006, 12:25:34 PM »
                You know, when I look at what motorcyles have evolved to, it doesn't seem that long ago that (while stationed in Japan) Iwas reading in Cycle magazine about the 750 and Kawasaki 500 Mach III. A guy I knew ordered one and had it shipped to Misawa AFB there in Japan. That's the only way to get one there. Myself, I wanted to try to buy(The money conversion back then was 360yen=$1) a Yamaha or Kawasaki 2-stroke roadracer, try to convert it just enough to be street legal, bring it back to the states and blow everything away! The only thing I didn't know was, an individual couldn't buy them in Japan. You had to buy them in the states. To give you an idea of the money value difference between here in the states and in Japan in the 60's, I paid about $250 for a 2 year old Honda CB72 in great shape. That motorcycle would have cost about twice as much as in the states. Oh well, that's life. That 750, that was brought over to the guy I knew, sure did draw attention where ever it went.  Bill   
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Offline 6pkrunner

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Re: Honda CB750 intro
« Reply #1 on: January 08, 2006, 05:29:07 PM »
There are/were great deals like that if you are in the right place with the connections. I remember in 1982 our ship tied up in Thule Air force base in Greenland and I went to the local PX. They had a 3BX noise suppression/dynamic range expander for $120. The same thing here at a stereo shop was nearly $300.
And on our ship a 40 ouncer (all smokes and liquor on the ship was duty-free) was a whopping $4.

Offline 6adan

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Re: Honda CB750 intro
« Reply #2 on: January 08, 2006, 08:22:21 PM »
I bought a new CB750 in Japan in 1970,paid 370800 Yen, had to pay in cash in yen.That was one large wad of bills, but the dealer brought the bike right to the ship, it was the best looking bike I had ever seen, Candy Gold.Dannie
1970 CB750 JDM,1975 GL1000, 1979 GL1000, 1979 CBX, 1995 GL1500, 2000 GL1500CT Valkyrie, 2008 GL1800 Trike.