I will def. put out some pictures when the bike is a bit more assembled. you cant really see yet that i've been building around 5 years.
The bike will only be slightly modified with a big bore kit and CR carbs and street legal. my plan is to get it started up doing this year. but will still need lots of replica parts.
parts like the rear hub is a bit too expensive for my wallet these days.
as for the dragbike goes I dont really think my gf will let me spend more money on projects
I was just thinking that someone might knew anything about it. the guy claims that it might be one of the only ones not in a museum. The bike got org. CR carbs and other stuff I could use, but again, i could get a lot of parts for that kind of money. even thou bikes and parts are really expensive here.
I dont really know I theres any drag track here in DK but that could be cool to try.