Thanks my brothers, but
I insist on declining this nomination, as my poor old scooter is not worthy of that honor right now.
It is slowly being restored to its former glory days status, but at this time is just a project... Paint isn't clean, seat is ripped, and there are plenty of updates I'd like to work out, like a chin spoiler, 1/4 fairing, longer KZ tail section with '57 Caddy tail lights (to balance the look due to extended swing arm), oh yeah and build a new big bore stroker motor. Besides, I just sold it's carb to Jleather!
I have most of what I need to keep going on it and will at some point post progress in the build section. Lots of pictures of course.
On resurection day - and with a 200 hp dyno slip in hand - I will THEN be looking for that BOM award!

The guys with clean, fresh rides deserve the BOM honor for completion of thier projects. The 'TG mobile' is a good example... hey I'm partial to ARD mags.