G'day Adam,
Good to hear from you, I hope your dad's going well.
Sorry to hear Willowbank was rained out.
Any progress with the 750 at this stage?
PM me if you think I may be able to help.
As for Mount Gambier, we didn't make it I'm afraid.
It was a masters meeting. You had to be over 45 to qualify.
No worries at all for me, but Newmo my passenger missed the cut by six weeks so they bumped our entry.
We did race at the Winton historic meeting a fortnight later though.
With mixed results.
I broke my foot in the second race on Saturday but we managed to win both of our races on Sunday and take out enough points overall to lift the trophy. First win since my accident. But more importantly our times are getting closer to what they need to be if we want to be competitive at the major title meetings.
So it's more work at the gym and maybe a couple of practice days to try out some mod's to the bike along with what I hope will be our best motor yet and we will see what happens come October, then the Nationals at Perth in November.
Hi Brian,
Yes, Dad is well, his 750 is going well also. 13.6 @ 94mph at the rained out event. Not much progress with my 750, bought some more parts that's about it
(having too much fun on the 400f) yeah think I'll need all the help and advice I can get
Congrats on the win, Honda's on the podium that's what we want
good stuff made up for the broken foot, hope it heals fast. Hope all goes well and good luck for your upcoming meets.
Our next meet is back at Willowbank on the 10th-11th August then weekend after head up to Benaraby for the All Bike meet.
Cheers Adam
ps. No more broken bones, think you've had enough for a while