Jeff, Good to know you are on the mend and back home again with the cats and all. I can clearly identify with the deal between you and hamish. My gig black cat named JOY, will come runing when I sit down at the computer, jump upon the pc desk, sit by me and when I don't pay attention to her, she will run my arm with the top of her head. If that doesn't do any good, she will try to walk upon my chest, causing me to stop what I'm doing and hold her on my chest with her facing my right side. If I try to hold her any other way, she will stand up and turn around really huffy like and plop herself into the position SHE wants to be in.

Like right now, she is on the back of the chair I am sitting in. She lays on there and sometimes against me, so that If I move even slightly, she starts to slide forward and gets wedged between me and the back of the chair. I can ALWAYS tell when they are low on food and water because Molly (the Calico) and Joy will stand by me and tell me what they need (by meowing , of course)

Yeah, it really IS a cat's world!

Saw this saying:
Call your Dog and HE will come to you.
Call your Cat and the cat will take a message and
get back to you!

Stay Warm and get back in shape Jeff, Bill