This thread has struck a sore spot with me. I wave them to pass when there's room. When it's a twisty road and I have to pull off, I do, but I hate doing that. But one time, I was already pissed off and that s.o.b. in the Saturn rode my ass much too close for too long. I pulled over and let him pass, but then I ran up on his ass. He brake checked me and I almost ate up his back bumper. I had my wife on the back of the bike and I put her life in danger along with mine. I am just as ashamed today as the day I did it. Next time, I will remind myself of that stupid stunt I pulled and just let them pass. If it bothers me too much, I will take care of matters at the next traffic light. Maturity is definitely a much needed trait on a bike. I'm afraid lug nuts and the like will just get me run off the road. I always ride five over the speed limit and sometimes, I just speed up to about 30 over the limit to put some distance between the jackass and me.