I want to shorten my rear fender on my 550K by cutting at the front and then shifting it forward so I can keep the finished rear edge nice. i would like to remove and remount the mounting bracket on the fender to make it easier to remount it on the bike. The bracket looks like it is attached to the fender using plug weld i am guessing. Has anyone ever tried to do this? I thought of trying to drill out the plug welds and then reweld it in the new location but there appears to be many of them and I'm not sure if it would even be effective in releasing the bracket from the fender. Plus, I am worried that if I tried re-welding it to the fender, even from the underside, that it would damage the chrome finish on the fender from the heat. Most likely it would just be easier to make some custom mounting bracket once the fender is cut. Any ides or thoughts would be very helpful.