i'm new here to sohc forums, but a 40+ year honda owner and have a k6 in my collection. i'm excited about your book - congrats to you for completing it! i'm ordering your new book but am curious how you believe it compares to the john wyatt / restoration guidebook (that i've only read about)?
thx in advance for your feedback.
I honestly don't know: maybe I should get one. 
Do you know how I could find it?
I have the Wyatt book, I understand it brings a good price these days. It is beautiful, full of full color pictures, hard cover, and I'll say again, beautiful, pictures and data. But it is hardly anything like HondaMan's (I assume). THe Wyatt book is all exterior with a few exceptions. Like what the footpegs were like on this model vs the next model etc.
Tons of stuff like that but hardly a guide to actually doing anything. Which I think HMs book will be. AS a "restorers guide" it will tell you what goes on a correct K2 for example, and what changes are made sequentially from model to model.
IF it is available anywhere I'd try Amazon.