When I first moved here, I had a '64 Volvo station wagon (well- slightly modified, too...). many times -even at red lights- people would come over and walk around my car trying to figure out what it was.
It was finally explained to me that -until relatively recently- people didn't own Volvos down here. No market for much of anthing foreign. Most of the South was rural, sparse, and low-income. People had a choice between Ford or Chevy, and prferably a pick-up.
Also, folks in the South have looong memories. The War of Northern Aggression (sometimes called the Civil War) is still discussed like it was a year ago. In that vein, everyone was quite aware of who attacked Pearl Harbor, and resentment lingered longer than other areas.
By now, most of that is by the wayside. I do know a guy who travels up North and brings back Small and middle-sized Japanese bikes and re-sells them. He's doing OK.