Author Topic: Could Have Put This In 1 Of 3 Places, Thought It Would Get Better Exposure Here!  (Read 1596 times)

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Offline bill440cars

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         I bought a Cb77 Super Hawk Head From Ebay, a few days ago. I got it today. The head was in a plastic bag, tightly and totally wrapped with shrinkwrap and placed in a cardboard box with lots of shredded paper in there with it and taped up pretty well. I was really impressed with the efforts taken to protect the head from damage. After I got it out of the box AND all of that shrinkwrap, I noticed that on one corner, the 3 small fins in that area, were broken. No biggie, I thought, as I have a CA77 head (no Tach drive provision) as well and almost immediately thought that I could strip the CA head and put it back together with the CB77 head parts. I sent the seller a message about the damage, but that I was okay with it and wanted him to know so that he might prevent anything else from getting damaged from shipping. Well, he responded to make sure that I was really okay with the damage, because he would make it right if I wasn't. And he wanted to know what I was building. I told that It was okay, I was trying to let him know, so he might prevent any future damage from shipping. I mean you have to be realistic, things happen. I was looking at this head, for the parts anyway. You see (for those who don't know) the CA head (Honda Dream) has a camshaft that has no provision for the Tachometer to be driven, the CL head is the same way and the CB head is the only one setup for the Tach drive. The camshaft for all 3 engines are the same, except for the left half (the cams for these engines come in 3 pieces) of the CB77 cam has the drive for the tach and the other 2 don't. ALL of the camshafts have the same grind. I expect that I haven't heard the last of this though. The seller is pretty concerned. And this concern is after I have already posted his Positive Feedback! ;) I just wanted to point out this Very Concerned Seller! 8) ;)   
Member # 1969
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Offline Hasenkopf

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I want a hit of what you're  smokin....
I like berries.

Offline Sam Green Racing

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Billy, can you post pics of the cam end that goes into the tach housing, the tach housing where the cam goes in and the head where the tach housing fastens to.
The Benlys are similar and if the Dream is the same, there might be a way of getting round your problem.

Sam. ;)
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Offline lordmoonpie

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Good to hear of a genuine sller story for once - there are some out there. Hope the project goes well BIll...
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Offline bill440cars

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Billy, can you post pics of the cam end that goes into the tach housing, the tach housing where the cam goes in and the head where the tach housing fastens to.
The Benlys are similar and if the Dream is the same, there might be a way of getting round your problem.

Sam. ;)

       Sam, I'm doing pretty good with what I've gotten, because about a month ago, there was another seller who had ALL of the parts from another CB77 head, that I was able to pick up on. So, here's where it stands. I've got the CA engine that I can use what ever parts I need (that are good, I haven't been intoir yet) to build one Super hawk engine (with the proper camshaft and tach drive) and I've got an engine that I got from "okie" (a former SOHC4 member), along with the guts from this head AND I've picked up an actual CB77 case set, crankshaft and another head (though the head is from a CL and doesn't have the tach drive provisions, I have the parts needed to convert, now) If it's getting confusing, I think I have nearly enough parts to build 2, maybe 3 engines. I was hoping to accumulate enough parts to build the engines without going into the CA engine and might use it as trading material, but wasn't to be.

        Sam, here's a page from an online parts book:

  CA77 (without the tach drive provision on the left cam half)


  Well, here's one of the head and related parts, of a CB72/77, but the page with the CB72/77 cam and related items, looks exactly the same. you just have to picture an extension on the left half of the cam, having the place with a spiral cut (a screw effect, if you will) and the tach drive runs off of that. If anyone has a good shot of the left half of a CB77 cam, I'd appreciated you posting it.
Member # 1969
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Offline bill440cars

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I want a hit of what you're  smokin....

                                      ??? ???

  Just putting plug in for an ebay seller, as we are always hearing of bad deals and such. ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline bill440cars

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Good to hear of a genuine sller story for once - there are some out there. Hope the project goes well BIll...

            That's what I was trying to convey, Simon. :) So many times, we hear of a deal gone wrong and, to date, I haven't had any Bad deals ( Knock on wood! ). I HAVE had a few that went awry, but money wasn't spent, just some aggravation. ::)

            Thanks Simon, I think I'm close to the point of actually starting this one. ;)     
Member # 1969
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Offline bill440cars

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    Yesterday, I think (or at least I meant to) I said that I didn't think this seller was through (after he wanted to make sure that I was okay with the parts, even though some fins got broken on the head). Well, I just went and checked "my ebay" messages, and sure enough, he sent me this message:

    " Bill I got a CL motor from the mid 60's someone took the numbers off it at turns over good ith good compression. If your interested. Thanks  "

      That's what I was talking about, concerning the ethics of THIS seller.  I need to see where he is and knowing my luck, shipping charges will be pretty high (on top of what ever he is asking for the engine) I'll let you all know how it goes. ;)  

   Just wanted to add this: The seller is in New Hampshire! No telling WHAT the shipping charges would be, cause those old engines are pretty heavy! :o ::)
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 05:09:48 AM by bill440cars »
Member # 1969
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Offline Sam Green Racing

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Can't realy tell from that Billy but the cam runs in rollers so what I was thinking about won't matter, just a thought.

Sam. ;)
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Offline bill440cars

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Can't realy tell from that Billy but the cam runs in rollers so what I was thinking about won't matter, just a thought.

Sam. ;)

           I appreciate your thoughts, Sam. But, in the Cam department, I'm sitting pretty good. Unless I was to happen on a hot set of cams, for a respectable price (by MY standards). Which Ain't gonna happen! :D

                            Appreciate it Sam, Bill ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline supersports400

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Hi Bill,

Searched for CB72 /77 on this forum, and guess what ? I always run into the nice same people isn't it ?

Not all of the cams have the same grind Bill, early CB cams are wilder than the later ones, I measured it.

This was mentioned a few years back in the (old style) email forum of the honda305 site.
The early CB's where having more power then the later ones (but smaller power band), as you know me, I had to find out why.

I have all different cams available for the CB72, as I have almost all different exhausts, and all the carb types (with and without power jets)
There are also differences in early and later heads, as in valve diameters, as in the shape of the intake port, as in compression ratio's.

The early CB in standard trim is rev hungry, as it will easily red lining, the later ones don't like that so much.

I have build an engine with best of both, late head, early cams (000), stainless (very early) exhausts, and the latest type gearbox (much stronger teeth than the early ones). Did I mention I build in a gear driven primary reduction in combination with a CB500f clutch ? The only thing I want now is that 5 speed for the street.

The early cams have a little more overlap and are timed a little different, lob hight is the same.

btw, do you know how many mufflers types do exist, only for the CB72 / 77 ?, I lost count at 14 (including stainless steel ones).
(four of those cabinets full of mufflers only, pictured only one to get the idea).

have a nice day, Bill,

« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 03:02:29 PM by jensen »

Offline bill440cars

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     Hey Jensen, I don't remember who it was, but a few years ago, I think that someone over on the 305 forums told me about the cams and that was what I was referring to.  Now, I REALLY AM glad you are over here, as I am starting to pick up MORE info on these engines (from you). That's cool too. I am ALWAYS open for informative conversations about the CB72/77 AND the CL72/77. The one I had while I was stationed in Japan (while in the U. S. Air Force) was a '66 CB72 and that was one cool bike. It was about 2yrs old when I got it. I had it painted (gas tank and fenders) a color called Dodge Royal Blue, had the aircleaner covers chrome plated, (the 350s had just come out AND I swapped my headlight and gauges for the ones for a CB350, picked upon a head (complete with cam and carbs) and had the head portd and polished, along with adding a set of megaphones. I Loved that bike and vowed that I'd have another. So now, I've got some Super Hawk stuff (several frames, some engines and parts of others,  AND want to build a Cafe Style Super Hawk along with a Custom Super Hawk later on. I've also got a '63 CL72 that has kinda been bouncing between a buddy and myself. I've also got a '67 CL77 "Rolling Frame" that I may use some of on one of the builds. As of right now, I have no idea when I will get to the 400F either. I did have a 350F, but sold it (things were tight). Any kind of specifics about the CB77 Super Hawks, I would like to hear. Always open to things like that. Never too old to learn (even though, at 62yrs old and almost 63,
I FEEL old!) ::) ;)   
Member # 1969
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Offline BigWaveDave

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Bill my gramps rode his 52 HD when he was in his 80's, with a side car!! He told me once that he may not be able to open the jelly jar anymore but he could still lick around the rim. Still don"t want to know what he meant . Take Care

Offline bill440cars

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       Well, it looks like I am getting a CL77 (305) engine that is not too pretty, is complete except for the carbs and right side engine covers for $75.00 plus $90.00 shipping. Engine turns over and has compression. Also has the starter blockoff plate included because (for those who don't know) the CL doesn't have the electric starter. Now, I DO just happen to have a partially complete 67' CL77 rolling frame minus the front fender, gas tank and seat. Gonna take a lot of elbow grease to get that engine looking good though! ;)
Member # 1969
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Offline bill440cars

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Bill my gramps rode his 52 HD when he was in his 80's, with a side car!! He told me once that he may not be able to open the jelly jar anymore but he could still lick around the rim. Still don"t want to know what he meant . Take Care

  I understand that! ::) My Dad is 84 and will be 85 this coming July. No offense to my Dad, but I don't think he could even FIND the Jelly Jar! :D Good for your Gramps! 8)
Member # 1969
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Offline supersports400

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Hi Bill,

If you need any part of the CB / CA engine, ask.
I won't guarantee I have it or I want to part, but when you don't ask...


Offline bill440cars

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Hi Bill,

If you need any part of the CB / CA engine, ask.
I won't guarantee I have it or I want to part, but when you don't ask...


  Thanks, you never kow just what I might need. ;)
Member # 1969
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