Hi Bill,
Searched for CB72 /77 on this forum, and guess what ? I always run into the nice same people isn't it ?
Not all of the cams have the same grind Bill, early CB cams are wilder than the later ones, I measured it.
This was mentioned a few years back in the (old style) email forum of the honda305 site.
The early CB's where having more power then the later ones (but smaller power band), as you know me, I had to find out why.
I have all different cams available for the CB72, as I have almost all different exhausts, and all the carb types (with and without power jets)
There are also differences in early and later heads, as in valve diameters, as in the shape of the intake port, as in compression ratio's.
The early CB in standard trim is rev hungry, as it will easily red lining, the later ones don't like that so much.
I have build an engine with best of both, late head, early cams (000), stainless (very early) exhausts, and the latest type gearbox (much stronger teeth than the early ones). Did I mention I build in a gear driven primary reduction in combination with a CB500f clutch ? The only thing I want now is that 5 speed for the street.
The early cams have a little more overlap and are timed a little different, lob hight is the same.
btw, do you know how many mufflers types do exist, only for the CB72 / 77 ?, I lost count at 14 (including stainless steel ones).
(four of those cabinets full of mufflers only, pictured only one to get the idea).
have a nice day, Bill,