Barack Obama has signed a law increasing the limit on how much the US government can borrow.
The debt limit was raised to $14.3 trillion (£9.1tn) from $12.4tn, and will allow the government to function for the rest of the year. ...
...The US Treasury was expected to exceed the current $12.4tn debt limit within weeks.
Banking institutions celebrate, business as usual...
Meet the new boss... Same as the old boss.
Here is some simple math...
Assumption: US government = the population
US Government debt = The population's debt.
US population = about 310 million.
12.4 trillion/ 310 million = $40,000 in debt for every man/woman and child in the US.
Breakdown per actual taxpayer is 12.4 trillion/ 138,893,908 (2007 IRS stats) = $89,277 per filing individual.
Pay up sucker!
What is the definition of economic slavery? Hmmmm...
When will the banking institutions foreclose on all US property? (Not that they have to, the elected officials are perfect puppets/stewards in lock step with banking institution goals.)