Its interesting to read that there are those of you who think so little of their country (the USA) and would rather live in isolation of the rest of the world -slef-governed states - you were born in the wrong century - go back in time and live in pre-Italy and their system of city-states. Sadly (for you) thats not the reality of the modern world.
Id like to know how Virginia (for example, but can apply to any other state) is going to be self sufficient economically? I used CA as an example but...that state currently has one of the largest deficits in the country (sorry Ed your plan of small businesses saving the state has no merit). So what you are saying is if you dont work for a small business or large corportation you dont deserve/get health care? Thats tough. Should the same principle apply to education? No of course not but you are happy to apply it to a basic human right -health care (provided by the goverment for its people). Crazy.
Someone mentioned Denmark...have you been to Denmark? Do you know how expensive it is to live there? High high taxes!! Is this what you want?
Andy, you are correct, there is no way the States could become totally autonomous. It is a nice idea to explore, but it will not happen. When I am up in MA, I am subject to the State laws which may differ from NY, because MA is different than NY.
I think you are looking at a people that are rethinking what the US was at it's inception, and what it is today. Having traveled as you have I am sure you have noticed that the US is not one homogenized place, which is the cool part. The States should know what is best for their unique cultures, and have wider latitude to govern their internal affairs-within Constitutional boundaries.
When you try to force things down people's throats, they push back. We were taught that we were supposed to be rugged individualists as children. Our heroes were considered traitors back in England, and if we had lost the Rebellion, they would have been hanged. On one hand we were taught to resist authority and on the other to comply without question.
I think the economy is focusing people and having them re examine those institutions and individuals we trusted. I lived through the 1960s and it was a time of re examination and defiance. My generation started something and stopped short, we became what we despised most.
This heath care bill is a disgrace, it has been twisted around by special interests to a point that it will serve no one but those special interests. I was a big supporter and now I want it to go away. I want them to go back and come up with something fair and equitable, that will allow affordable care to be given to all. A real public option where Companies and individuals throw into the pot and draw down as needed.
This is a very important point in US history, it will be interesting to see which road we go down.