Author Topic: Worn transmisson shift fork. Is my job done or does something else cause this?  (Read 1534 times)

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Offline fmctm1sw

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This was not a very well cared for engine.  I found two case bolts snapped off.  I was able to get one out but the other one is a little deeper.  I may be able to get needle nose pliers on it once I guet the dowel out though.  The bike would jump out of third gear.  I expected to see chewed up tranmission gears but no such finding.  The shafts and gears looked ok.  I do know why my kickstarter slips sometimes now though.  That gear is worn on the edge, you can tell it doesn't engage all the way either.  Maybe reversing the gear and using a shim or two will rectify that. 

The big find though was a worn dog on the shift drum.  And you can see the side of the case looks like something was grinding against it as well.  The paths of travel on the drum didn't appear worn either.  So is my work here done?  Replace the "L" shift fork or do you think some other force was/is at work here? 
Quote from: 754
Dude is that a tire ? or an O-ring..??

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1973 CB350F
1973 CB350G
1975 CB550K
1983 GL650I
1973 CB750K3 (
1984 Kawasaki KLT-250 (AKA 3 wheeler of death)
1994 Honda TRX300
1999 Honda TRX250

Offline bwaller

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Replace the fork (if you can find it) or get it hardwelded and reground straight. Inspect the engagement dogs and mating gear too, if the dogs are rounded badly replace that/those gears as well.

Offline fmctm1sw

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Thanks.  Forgot to mention the dogs and accompanying dog "slots."  It all looked real good.  That "L" fork and kickstarter pinion gear were the only things I saw withany issue.  I picked up a transmission off eBay a few weeks ago, the "L" shift fork looked OK in that one.  I'm hoping to do a bench test before I get the cases back together but those shift forks are awful hard to see under the transmission once you put it back together...
Quote from: 754
Dude is that a tire ? or an O-ring..??

Quote from: inkscars
This is not a pod thread
This is not a #$%* on my vacuum gauges thread
This is a help or GTFO thread.

1973 CB350F
1973 CB350G
1975 CB550K
1983 GL650I
1973 CB750K3 (
1984 Kawasaki KLT-250 (AKA 3 wheeler of death)
1994 Honda TRX300
1999 Honda TRX250

Offline ekpent

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Is that a cb175 like you have listed in your "bikes" with transmission issue? or a bigger engine.

Offline fmctm1sw

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Is that a cb175 like you have listed in your "bikes" with transmission issue? or a bigger engine.

Ummm, a SOHC 4 engine..  Otherwise the mods would move it  :(

It's a CB175F...   :-X
Quote from: 754
Dude is that a tire ? or an O-ring..??

Quote from: inkscars
This is not a pod thread
This is not a #$%* on my vacuum gauges thread
This is a help or GTFO thread.

1973 CB350F
1973 CB350G
1975 CB550K
1983 GL650I
1973 CB750K3 (
1984 Kawasaki KLT-250 (AKA 3 wheeler of death)
1994 Honda TRX300
1999 Honda TRX250