Yes, some one suggested that it would be nice if cats could talk, I think that's a crappy idea, I can see it now, my dish is empty, you,re not going to feed me that crap again, "I wouldn't feed that to a dog",
my water is low, the cat box is filthy, I want out, I want in, JESUS, there's a stranger in the nieghbor hood, do something, now, why can't I eat that Chickadee. Humans are such idiots, warm those hands before you pet me, I want out, I want in, what do you mean it's winter, change it, NOW, God humans are brain dead, why, Why, WHY. Just to mention some of the things that night be discussed, at the moment at least, there is a certain air of mystery about the proceedings, and I'm not continously reminded of my short comings as a cat servant.
Bill the demon.