I will PM my info in next day or so.. I think it wont be out of the engine by the weekend..

.. bet the head looks the same..
Let me tell you about a former roomates, big bore Suzuki GS 1000. He was riding with a few other bikes north of Seattle on a Sat morning or afternoon in fairly heavy traffic. There were 3 or 4 lanes in each direction, and I think he was about 3rd lane from the shoulder. suddenly the motor blew, billowing smoke and clattering away, and he luckily got over to the shoulder, without getting run over.. Probably the smokescreen made drivers back off..
Engine was toast, he left the bike there.. Not sure if he ever picked it up..

Anyway he gave me a souvenier from the engine.. a chunk of the piston, about 1 or 1 1/8 long, with part of the ring lands. not sure but I think it came out of the exhaust...