Author Topic: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!  (Read 6462 times)

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #50 on: February 19, 2010, 08:15:38 AM »
zombies born from an "immunization" to defend against the cow flu.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #52 on: February 20, 2010, 05:09:58 AM »

     The other is bad enough, but Right There is Where They'd probably have to take me out! >:( No, I'm not standing for something like that AND I KNOW that I wouldn't be doing her any good, if I weren't there.

    Sorry, but that part just went ALL OVER ME. Bad enough for someone to take your things, but if that were to happen, I'd go Ballistic!

and you see where that would lead Bill? We'd hear it on CNN and you'd be labeled the nut case just like this poor fellow
who'd had enough of his #$%*ty government just as you would if someone started the other crap with you and yours.

Ed, just because the fellow quotes Karl Marx doesn't make him a commie. Most everyone can say something that is true.
Seems Marx said "religion is the opiate of the people". I'd say that's right on the money. Doesn't make me a commie though.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #53 on: February 20, 2010, 05:45:32 AM »

  Well, there ARE things that I'd get mad about, but wouldn't lose it. BUT, mess with my family and we're gonna have words, quickly. Somewhere in this thread was mentioned that if people in positions like the IRS were to treat people more humanely (for use of a better word), perhaps there wouldn't be as much irriatation about those agencies (or what ever). Good Public Relations could go a long way in helping, I would think. I know, if I feel like I'm not being treated like a "Number", I am more likely to be able to deal with whatever it is. ;)   
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #54 on: February 20, 2010, 07:32:42 AM »
I'll tell you what.  We pay too much damn tax as it is.  If they cut the spending on BS programs and bureacracies, then they could cut the taxes and stop harassing us taxpayers so much.

  Well, there ARE things that I'd get mad about, but wouldn't lose it. BUT, mess with my family and we're gonna have words, quickly. Somewhere in this thread was mentioned that if people in positions like the IRS were to treat people more humanely (for use of a better word), perhaps there wouldn't be as much irriatation about those agencies (or what ever). Good Public Relations could go a long way in helping, I would think. I know, if I feel like I'm not being treated like a "Number", I am more likely to be able to deal with whatever it is. ;)   
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #55 on: February 20, 2010, 07:46:35 AM »
I'll tell you what.  We pay too much damn tax as it is.  If they cut the spending on BS programs and bureacracies, then they could cut the taxes and stop harassing us taxpayers so much.

that's it in a nut shell. we need a government of some sort but not the mess we have and they do the mess with our taxes.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #56 on: February 20, 2010, 07:48:11 AM »
I'll tell you what.  We pay too much damn tax as it is.  If they cut the spending on BS programs and bureacracies, then they could cut the taxes and stop harassing us taxpayers so much.

  Well, there ARE things that I'd get mad about, but wouldn't lose it. BUT, mess with my family and we're gonna have words, quickly. Somewhere in this thread was mentioned that if people in positions like the IRS were to treat people more humanely (for use of a better word), perhaps there wouldn't be as much irriatation about those agencies (or what ever). Good Public Relations could go a long way in helping, I would think. I know, if I feel like I'm not being treated like a "Number", I am more likely to be able to deal with whatever it is. ;)   

   Oh yeah, I have to agree, we ARE taxed TOO much! I've been saying for years that it is way past time for another "Tea Party"!  
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #57 on: February 20, 2010, 08:27:18 AM »
I drive by this building every day on my commute to work. It happened about 40 min after I passed by that day.

The guy is a nut. What is hardest for me to believe is only one guy in the building died.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #58 on: February 20, 2010, 10:23:42 AM »
I drive by this building every day on my commute to work. It happened about 40 min after I passed by that day.

The guy is a nut. What is hardest for me to believe is only one guy in the building died.

did you know the guy?

I saw an interview with his neighbor who knew him well.
Seems he was shocked so something probably set him off and that's about all we
can accurately say, I'd say.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #59 on: February 20, 2010, 10:46:08 AM »
I know it's insensitive, but I could not stop laughing when I first heard this. this guy! why not sell the plane and just pay your taxes?

and they want to argue about whether or not it's terrorism. like it makes a difference what you call it. it's like when people argue about whether a tomato is a fruit of veg. gimme a effin break. semantics.

the map is not the territory.

maybe they will ban small planes, now. that's how stupid and reactionary people are. like after columbine- let's ban trenchcoats. maybe we should round up all the small plane owners who owe taxes and put them in internment camps. and all the political pissing contest types can fight over who has the best plan to protect us from the small plane owners.

seriously, I've never trusted those small plane owning non-tax paying types. they are actually controlled by a group of rich jewish hollywood bankers and their plan is to make the world unsafe for office building workers everywhere. IRS or otherwise. the only way to protect our families from this threat is to build more nukes, fighter jets controlled by robots with laser eyes and the such.

did you know that the percentage of $ that the US gov't takes in from our income tax is roughly equivalent to the amount we spend on our military budget. wanna lower taxes...

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #60 on: February 20, 2010, 10:51:12 AM »

did you know that the percentage of $ that the US gov't takes in from our income tax is roughly equivalent to the amount we spend on our military budget. wanna lower taxes...

yep, I'd say that would be a good start.  ;) (If I correctly get your drift that is.)
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #61 on: February 20, 2010, 11:55:12 AM »
yeah, what I'm thinkin is when we're fightin dudes in caves, we don't need nukes and high tech gizmos and other expensive crap. just tough americans.

and an income tax is something that the founding fathers were super opposed to. I guess it's prob necessary in the modern world. what about a 'business' tax instead?

what do I know, though? I'm pretty sure we don't need super expensive high tech weapons which cost amounts that normal people can't even comprehend. and I'm pretty sure that if we don't invest in education the next gen is doomed. and I'm damn sure that they are wasting our money on crap that doesn't matter to average joes like us.

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #62 on: February 20, 2010, 02:11:12 PM »
'cuz there ain't no such thing as a business tax!!!  You tax a business, the owner just raises the prices to THE CONSUMER in order to keep their profits the same.

You tax a rich man, he just takes more money out of the business he owns (pays himself a higher salary), and raises his prices.  If his customers can't or won't pay, then he goes out of business, and lays off his workers, or he moves his business someplace where the taxes are lower.

Businesses just pass on the costs of taxes to the consumers, and that's YOU.

and an income tax is something that the founding fathers were super opposed to. I guess it's prob necessary in the modern world. what about a 'business' tax instead?
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #63 on: February 20, 2010, 02:41:08 PM »

Quote:  did you know the guy?

No, and I'm glad I didn't!
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 02:42:56 PM by meriggi »
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #64 on: February 21, 2010, 05:23:57 AM »
Right, Ed, tax the poor, they are the problem not the rich. RM are you sure you are not a commie? Maybe a lefty logger.
Bill the demon

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #65 on: February 21, 2010, 05:49:09 AM »
Right, Ed, tax the poor, they are the problem not the rich. RM are you sure you are not a commie? Maybe a lefty logger.
Bill the demon

I think the jury is still deliberating.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #66 on: February 21, 2010, 06:32:24 AM »
Hey RM pigeon holes are for Pigeons and the people that insist on them, are about as bright as Pigeons.
Any how, it is an brilliant day here, with a high of +1 C- 33-34 F so as much as I would like to prod people it's time to leave the Web of shady truths and suspect proclamations, for the wonderful sun and work on the house. Have a good one.
Bill the demon

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #67 on: February 21, 2010, 08:29:09 AM »
Yes, the poor are, in fact, the problem.  They need to be educated -- broken of the cycle of poverty -- rather than having poverty ingrained into their children through more and more politicially-driven welfare programs.  Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

Welfare programs do NOTHING to break the vicious cycle of poverty.

The rich are always going to do whatever they please, so don't kid yourself into thinking that they will ever pay more.  As I said, they will just pass the costs of any additional taxes right back onto the middle-class.  

Right, Ed, tax the poor, they are the problem not the rich. RM are you sure you are not a commie? Maybe a lefty logger.
Bill the demon

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #68 on: February 21, 2010, 10:31:00 AM »
I'm left handed
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

                                    Marla              .:71CB750:.CAFE

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #69 on: February 21, 2010, 03:01:17 PM »
I'm left handed

oh great, Bill will be scared to come back now. I hope he hit his finger with the hammer today.
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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #70 on: February 21, 2010, 07:38:24 PM »
Just because this guy puts out a manifesto does not mean there is any truth or validity to his claims.  Sounds more like he was a lousy businessman and wants to blame others for his failure.  Probably skirted or cheated on tax laws and got caught.  Put him in the same class as Ted Kaczynski the unabomber. 

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #71 on: February 21, 2010, 07:50:35 PM »
listening to my fav radio show, they said he wasn't paying his taxes, he didn't believe in it.

I think the IRS wants too much from small business.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #72 on: February 21, 2010, 08:04:08 PM »
listening to my fav radio show, they said he wasn't paying his taxes, he didn't believe in it.

I think the IRS wants too much from small business.

Well, we all have feelings about whats too much but most of us do pay something.  Purposely not paying because you don't believe in them is not an excuse or justification.  He was not being persecuted by the IRS.  He was breaking the law and was a criminal.

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #73 on: February 21, 2010, 08:18:34 PM »
one mans crime is another mans folly.
    it wasn't a good idea, but he didn't want to give some faceless beast his hard earned money just so they could say "carry on"

I'm not siding with him, I'm just looking at it objectively.
everything I say is pure speculation and
I have no idea what I'm talking about  ._.

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Re: *******Plane Crashed Into A Bldg In Austin Texas!!!!!!!!!!! On CNN NOW!!!!
« Reply #74 on: February 22, 2010, 01:32:28 AM »
 Give a man a fish, you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for life.

build a man a fire and you keep him warm for a few hours. set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.