I know it's insensitive, but I could not stop laughing when I first heard this. this guy! why not sell the plane and just pay your taxes?
and they want to argue about whether or not it's terrorism. like it makes a difference what you call it. it's like when people argue about whether a tomato is a fruit of veg. gimme a effin break. semantics.
the map is not the territory.
maybe they will ban small planes, now. that's how stupid and reactionary people are. like after columbine- let's ban trenchcoats. maybe we should round up all the small plane owners who owe taxes and put them in internment camps. and all the political pissing contest types can fight over who has the best plan to protect us from the small plane owners.
seriously, I've never trusted those small plane owning non-tax paying types. they are actually controlled by a group of rich jewish hollywood bankers and their plan is to make the world unsafe for office building workers everywhere. IRS or otherwise. the only way to protect our families from this threat is to build more nukes, fighter jets controlled by robots with laser eyes and the such.
did you know that the percentage of $ that the US gov't takes in from our income tax is roughly equivalent to the amount we spend on our military budget. wanna lower taxes...