Author Topic: The H1 You Don't Want  (Read 2242 times)

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Offline wannabridin

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Re: The H1 You Don't Want
« Reply #25 on: February 19, 2010, 11:36:01 AM »
ya guys, i understand where you're coming from.  GM puts all these bells and whistles on their rigs, so that if anything breaks, it's damn near always electrical related!!  hell the fuse/relay blocks on these are a NIGHTMARE to work on and diagnose!!!  oh well, modern creature comforts that computers provide for us...
1976 CB750K, currently under construction:

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Offline dave500

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Re: The H1 You Don't Want
« Reply #26 on: February 19, 2010, 12:18:40 PM »
challenging all hummers to a tug of war.this is a 94 international,240 cummins with a 9speed constant mesh road ranger,full diff locks,hendrickson/eaton,,green factory tinted glass and a beer freezing a/c unit,ive driven this #$%* for the last eight years about 250 klms per day!!it began its life in 94 as a cement truck,,its a noisey/harsh/vibratey old truck with no manners,its soon to be replaced with either an isuzu or a mitsubishi,"equivilent"which will be quiet,refined,ego freindly,syncromesh ,and a bit poofy!!ill get used to the new comer,but itll never be half the truck the international ACCO was,its gonna have to earn my respect,these are a truly heavy duty australian truck.,this truck tares at 10,600 kilo and can lift 15,000 kilos,legal road gross is 22, does it all so effortlessly.the old bastard.
« Last Edit: February 20, 2010, 05:19:32 AM by dave500 »