I had to turn off the television but the few minutes I caught of it was pure bull. He looked so insincere and phony. But then the media hype is just ridiculous. What business is it of anyone but him, his wife, and the bimbos? I just wish it would all go away I am sick of every aspect of it. Another proud day for a country with it's priorities in order.
Thank goodness I don't give a crap about golf. 
To those outside the U.S. We aren't all celebrity obsessed morons, really.
Yeah, too controlled, to be sincere, in my book!
You are right, not ALL of us are so obsessed about celebrities. Years ago, Brenda and I were driving in Little Rock and pulled up beside "Big Daddy" Don Garlitts. Soon as I saw him, I knew who it was. He looked over, smiled, waved, I returned, the light changed and we drove on. Now I am not going to say that I wasn't impressed because I WAS, but I didn't go Bananas about it.