Hey there, I don't have the same model you do, but I'm just popping in asking how you know for sure if it's your starter motor? Is there any chance it could be something easier (cheaper) like the starter solenoid?
I rebuilt my 650's starter, and for all intents and purposes, the pictures make them look very, very similar... so I'm going from there.
You might want to get a rebuild kit ahead of time. I think it just consists of a pair of brushes and the rubber band seals that go into the grooves in the caps. If you can buy the bronze bearings, do it.
I set out my work desk with some work towels and engineers paper, so any tiny parts that fell out would be very visible. Fortunately, the only parts that want to fall out are the little (bearings?) thin bronze washers.
Before you open anything up, take a small sharp object and make a couple lines going from the central cylindrical core to the end caps so you can be positive you've lined everything up exactly the way you started.
You'll want to use a little PB blaster on the three really long phillips head bolts that hold the top and bottom ends on. Those buggers are in there TIGHT. If all else fails, you can possibly do what I did and use a vice grips near the bottom and put some pressure on them counter clockwise until they break loose, then they spin right out.
now bear with me, I haven't done this in quite awhile. I believe you can just take the bottom cap off (the one that doesn't have the turning component with teeth [the armature]) and you'll see where the brushes attach, etc. Those may be worn beyond use, and a large amount of your problem. Replace them and use electrical contact cleaner to get some of the carbon etc out of the surfaces. Dans MC has great help
here. I used a soft toothbrush to clean carbon out of the armature segments.
I'm not sure about 750 anatomy but on the 650 I didn't have to remove carbs or tensioner.
Hope that helps... unless you mean your starter clutch, in which case someone else will have to help you out.

Also fwiw, consult your repair manual to make sure that a) everything measures out to tolerance and b) I'm actually giving you the right directions. Also fwiw, try turning it by hand and seeing if it feels like things are dragging inside. It might be that it's grounding out on the inside.