I am looking for a carb rebuild kit for my 1978 CB750K.
By the way, I had a very interesting development with my carbs. The bike, although it runs well, always had a slight miss. I just figured one of the carb jets were clogged and I would "gumout" the obstruction. I picked up the gumout and the instructions suggest to spray clean the outside of the carb before removing it from the bike. While spraying the carb I noticed that the bike would stall when I would spray by the metal flange the four carbs sit on. This flange is then attached to the head. I checked both outside carbs and both gaskets are leaking. Since I will remove the whole assembly to check for and replace the gaskets, I figured I will rebuild the carbs. I am just so excited that I have found this problem, a vacume leak. I have a feeling that the bike will be running better then ever. Thanks, Bob Fliegel.