Build day arrived yesterday. So we pulled what we thought was everything together, went over the case-halves one more time with compressed-air and carb-cleaner soaked rag.
Except for having to rummage around for bolts that mysteriously went missing between being bagged, cleaned and stored, things went pretty quickly. There were about a dozen fasteners (6x40's, etc.) that weren't anywhere to be found - though I'm sure everything was bagged and labeled. It's like socks in the dryer - a universal mystery. All I have to say is that it's a good thing there were parts motors in the shop.
Maybe things went together a bit too fast... (Note: cases sealed up - and something's missing. Oh, we needed the kickstart when?) Opened them back up, cleaned off the sealant, luckily we decided to flip through HondaMan's book at this point, which reminded me where the sheet-steel oiling dohicky for the output shaft went.
There sure are a lot of studs on these motors. A couple of false torque readings caused some identical studs to sit higher than others. Remove, clean threads, retorque, check installed length... tedious, but worthwhile.
Pistons, cylinders and base gasket went on to check the squish. Edges of the pistons are about 0.025 down the bore, so off go the cylinders to be surfaced 0.020 to get us close to zero deck. Once they're back, we can button up the rest of the motor. In the meantime, I'll mothball the bottom end and get back to the chassis.