Picked this bike up about three weeks ago for $400, Plate indicates 12/72 mfg so I think it is a 73 as it seems logical it was sold in that year. I had read somewhere that in California anyways, hondas were dated when they were sold and first registered, could be wrong though. Anyway, it seemed that it was loosely bolted together mainly to keep most of the parts from getting lost, has minimal rust and poor compression in #4. So far I have stripped it down to the frame, rebuilt the front forks, tracked down some parts at Bills Boneyard, Grimm cycle salvage and the dealer here in Northern Utah, stripped the tank for bondo and paint(wish I knew how to do leading), finally got the bearing retainers off after 4 days of coaxing with a variety of homemade tools, got the engine half torn down and am waiting on parts, it seems that someone got lazy and installed a broken middle ring in #4. At least that is what I suspect. There is no obvious damage but I have not found the piece yet so splitting the case and through search are in order as I don't need a stray piece of ring bouncing around inside. I am hoping to get to ride sometime this summer but in the meantime it looks to be a fun project. Everything else is in boxes including a complete rebuilt set of carbs (PO stated he spent $700 at the dealer down south to have them done), or shelved around the garage, sure wish it would warm up this cold is putting a real dent in my fun. Jordan