I hear ya loud and clear. No chopping! 
I would sell it and buy a 400F ...they go up hills good ....... 
I could never get into the "look" of the 400/4, far too "slab sided" for my tastes (yeah, I know, the F2 is slabby as well, but at least it's a 750) and always wondered why Honda didn't just bump up the capacity of the little 4 piper, and give it another gear?
I've seen 400 and 350 frames side by side and there's bugger all difference, so it's not like you can't make a 350F handle as well, but they were popular in Britain, for sure. Maybe a 400/4 engine in a 350F would be the best of both worlds? I've been offered a 400F for 20 bucks (tatty, but complete) so i might buy it, and look around for a 350F with a buggared engine, ha ha! Cheers, Terry.