What are glaring differences between the 77's & 78's vs the
older ones that I'm more familiar with ?
The 77/78's have a 17" rear wheel vs. 18".
77/78 has a 76F motor - higher compression than 76K
77/78 has caps instead of gators on the shocks
77/78 has a longer grab bar
77/78 has a hidden fuel cap with door - tank is bigger/wider
77/78 has a saddle with hinge (and latch) on the wrong side?! 78 saddle is "stepped"
77/78 has HM401s instead of HM340s or HM300s
77/78 has a slightly longer swing arm (I think) - overall wheelbase is longer
77/78 has a 630 chain as opposed to 530
77/78 has a new style side cover
77/78 has blue background gauges
77/78 has ignition key in the console (diff console as well) that locks the fork
77/78 has accelerator pumps and shorter manifolds (rubber connectors to head)
77/78 has a different airbox with larger openings for the carb/airbox connector
77/78 fender is shorter at the top with no stays on top side
The look of a 77/78 is decidedly more modern. I have a 74, 76, 77, 78 and I like the K0 look best ?!
I'm sure there's more