Author Topic: Hell On Wheels around Australia on a Honda!  (Read 2187 times)

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Hell On Wheels around Australia on a Honda!
« on: April 16, 2010, 04:54:50 PM »
This is an email from Mick. He's the guy who sourced out this little 10 min film about a guy who won a $20,000.00 bet by riding around Australia in less than 30 days. This email is his response as to how to allow people to access this little gem.

"I'm not sure of the best way to do this and I guess all we can do is to put up the link and rely on peoples honesty not to copy it to other sites.
This was done for the benefit of the SOHC members with an idea that an unspecified donation be made to the treasury to support the site from whoever wants to access it. (The old Honour System) You and I have done our bit to get this happening and that's all we can do for now.
Thanks for all of your help mate."

From Derek:
I have put it on my server at no charge to anyone who wishes to view it. If the traffic gets out of hand by people posting it in other places "and I will know"  I will turn it off.

Here is the direct movie link.

If you wish to download it go here and click on the download button once after following instructions. It seems that nothing is happening, but in 15 mins or so it will be in your download folder.

P.S. In following the above request from Mick, here is the link to drop some coin on to  the forum.