in the early eighties (we) paid 38500 for a house in belgave/victoria/melbourne(bottom end of the market),shortly after (we) bought an older mack truck for 35000,(err look at the value)4 weeks later (we)broke a crank shaft,15000 dollars later (we) are back on the road,,,credit was too easy to get,,ive always been an optimist,,,but it cant always be encouraged,,um interest rates went up,,paying off a never ending black hole,,i had plenty of work with this tip truck,,and did all basic servicing,i had two kids under 4 years old,,we were never spending except on real bills!!!and we were in reverse!long story short ,,we broke up,,sold the house in a boom 4 years later for near 85000,and broke even more or less ,,,im not that tough now!!i couldnt stand that behind the 8 ball crud these days,,moral is,,only spend on what you need ,,if youve bought all the throw away consumer goods and still owe on stuff thats been and gone,,your a loser,,,ive busted my honest arse staying fair and square,,i know what hand to mouth is,first hand.