Author Topic: Time to Settle up  (Read 4228 times)

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Offline Burke

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Time to Settle up
« on: February 25, 2010, 05:05:38 PM »
I have been in a bit of money trouble of late, my CC's are the beast.
Although today the largest one I had, balance wise, made me an offer to settle it for 1/3 what was owed.
I took it. My tax money was back so I used that (I realllllly wanted a Gretsch G5120 though). It was a great weight off my shoulders.
The others are in a program to get them settled withing the next 6 months and then they will be gone as well. My credit will be in shambles but then there's no where to go but up.

Im sure I'm not the only one here in this mess, but I was feeling pretty low about the whole thing, (failing on my debts). But now there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I have learned so much.

So to sum it up: PLastic Money =Bad (Unless it's side covers :D)
Paper & metal=Good
Don't have it don't spend it.

Offline bill440cars

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #1 on: February 25, 2010, 05:45:53 PM »
I have been in a bit of money trouble of late, my CC's are the beast.
Although today the largest one I had, balance wise, made me an offer to settle it for 1/3 what was owed.
I took it. My tax money was back so I used that (I realllllly wanted a Gretsch G5120 though). It was a great weight off my shoulders.
The others are in a program to get them settled withing the next 6 months and then they will be gone as well. My credit will be in shambles but then there's no where to go but up.

Im sure I'm not the only one here in this mess, but I was feeling pretty low about the whole thing, (failing on my debts). But now there is a light at the end of the tunnel and I have learned so much.

So to sum it up: PLastic Money =Bad (Unless it's side covers :D)
Paper & metal=Good
Don't have it don't spend it.

        That's great, I know you have to feel better, having that load lifted like that. I wish you all the best, as you start over again. ;)
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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #2 on: February 25, 2010, 07:00:51 PM »
Good for you!! :)

I know the feeling.  About ten years ago I went through a non-profit to reduce my interest rates and lump my credit cards into one payment.  I paid it all off and haven't allowed myself a credit card since.  My wife has a couple of credit cards, but she's responsible enough to have them and only use them when absolutely necessary.  I'm not.  I still spend more money than I probably should, but at least I'm not racking up debt.

Offline azuredesign

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #3 on: February 25, 2010, 07:21:05 PM »
I'm glad you're getting out from under, in the early 80's I was able to get a card with a 50k limit. I ran it up and had to refinance my house to pay it off. I haven't used a credit card since. Debit cards work pretty much all over the world, and I have gotten the hang of not overextending myself. Tough lesson to learn though!

Offline edbikerii

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #4 on: February 25, 2010, 07:33:31 PM »

That's great!  It really is a great thing to be debt free.  You don't feel like you're digging yourself out of a hole forever.

Just a little warning for you:  The credit card company will report the 2/3rds that you did not pay as a loss to the IRS.  They may (probably will) send you a 1098  or 1099 form reporting the amount as INCOME.  You will have to claim the other 2/3rds of the money you spent as income on your 2010 tax return.   If they don't send you that form, you may just get away with it if the IRS doesn't come after you (they have 7 years).  Considering what a hole the government is in now, I think they are being more aggressive with this stuff these days.  Just plan ahead that you may have to pay tax on that 2/3rds since the bank (the bank's depositors, actually) basically gave you the money that you did, in fact, spend.

In the meantime, you should celebrate your amazing accomplishment by popping open a beer or something!
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Offline Burke

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2010, 07:13:15 PM »
Thanks guys. It is a huge weight off the shoulders. Maybe even the gray hairs will stop! ;)
They did warn me about loss, and that I will be issued a tax form.
I played the game and now I have deal with it.

The beer has been opened, and hopes to a brighter future for all. :)

Offline sangyo soichiro

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2010, 07:27:16 PM »
Burke, you should look up your local radio stations (AM) and try to see if Dave Ramsey is on any of them.  If so, try to listen.  Take his advice.  Trust me.

Edit:  Oh, and good job, by the way!   :)
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Offline dave500

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2010, 07:45:59 PM »
credit cards are an easy trap,banks offer them out too freely,im forever throwing in the bin credit application forms that come in the mail,we dont need one,my wife started reading one through so i took it from her nicley and tore it up,,in the bin you dont need it,,she actually has savings in her account!!!they have nice glossy pictures of holidays and big tvs and jewels,,big suck job.your on the road to recovery now!!

Offline Burke

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2010, 07:59:16 PM »
I was really surprised on how many folks had/have a similar problem.
I had to have a few documents faxed to me at work, and my boss grabbed them from the fax before i could get them, they basically laid out my situation. I had thought that this guy (my boss) alway had $$$ coming out of the wazoo. We talked, and he went through a very rough period that ended with him filling for bankruptcy just a while back. So he understood and gave me some advise as well and was glad I was taking care of it.
Small world I guess.

Offline 754

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2010, 08:01:58 PM »
Re #4,
 Did they really give him the money, or only 1/3 -1/2 of it, the rest is actually interest or projected income.. ???

 correct me if I am wrong, not a credit card kinda person..
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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2010, 08:32:53 PM »
the three wealthiest families i know (at church) but worth millions have all said if they didnt have the money they didnt buy it.. other than thier first home morgage..... so im doing wht i can to follow on their example.... but i hope we can learn from ur example........ a penny saved is a penny saved?
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Offline sangyo soichiro

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2010, 09:16:46 PM »
One other piece of advice:
Almost everyone has advice about money.  Don't listen to the ones that are broke.  And really don't listen to the guys that have all the nice things but are up to their eyes in debt.

I am debt free including my house.  Been that way since my early twenties.  Not bragging, but when it comes to money, I am very responsible.  My ex wife was completely the opposite.

I do not, and never have owned a credit card.
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Offline seaweb11

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2010, 09:37:16 PM »
One other piece of advice:
Almost everyone has advice about money.  Don't listen to the ones that are broke.  And really don't listen to the guys that have all the nice things but are up to their eyes in debt.

I am debt free including my house.  Been that way since my early twenties.  Not bragging, but when it comes to money, I am very responsible.  My ex wife was completely the opposite.

I do not, and never have owned a credit card.

Can you get in a good hotel or rent a car without one anymore?

Offline the technological J

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2010, 09:45:58 PM »
One other piece of advice:
Almost everyone has advice about money.  Don't listen to the ones that are broke.  And really don't listen to the guys that have all the nice things but are up to their eyes in debt.

I am debt free including my house.  Been that way since my early twenties.  Not bragging, but when it comes to money, I am very responsible.  My ex wife was completely the opposite.

I do not, and never have owned a credit card.

Can you get in a good hotel or rent a car without one anymore?
yeha your debit card is acceptable
70 KO...sold to fund the ST
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Offline edbikerii

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2010, 11:05:41 PM »
I'm with you, soichiro.  My ex was (is) the nightmare from hell with respect to spending irresponsibly.  I'm so glad to have that albatross (mostly) off my neck.

Well, except for the credit card.  I get 2% cash back rebate every year, so I use the card for the things I KNOW I HAVE THE MONEY IN THE BANK TO BUY.  I PAY IT OFF, IN FULL, EVERY MONTH.  Then I collect my 2%.

The credit card company HATES ME!  Haha!  They actually lose money on people who are smart about it.

If you know you can't control it, then by all means DON'T USE CREDIT CARDS.  It is much safer.

One other piece of advice:
Almost everyone has advice about money.  Don't listen to the ones that are broke.  And really don't listen to the guys that have all the nice things but are up to their eyes in debt.

I am debt free including my house.  Been that way since my early twenties.  Not bragging, but when it comes to money, I am very responsible.  My ex wife was completely the opposite.

I do not, and never have owned a credit card.
SOHC4 #289
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Offline dave500

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #15 on: February 27, 2010, 12:26:35 AM »
in god we trust/all others must pay cash!


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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #16 on: February 27, 2010, 01:39:40 AM »
I will, due to cicumstances, be building up a sizeable debt in the next year. At the end on last year I was informed by my smirking line manager that I would be facing redundancy (job termination) unless there was an upturn in work or opted for relocation to another office  in the country. Well.........the civil engineering industry is in deep do-do here, so I opted for relocation to a branch about 265 miles away at my own costs, mind you. The Company refused any kind of assistance or remuneration for living/travel/subsistence. But it was either that or no job at all Therefore, I have calculated that with the mortgage and other sundries here, and all the other expenses of getting to work I should be £200-300 more in the red every month. So after about a year I'll be £3000+ in debt. I hate being in debt, having been brought up with the adage; "If you can't pay for it, don't buy it." Hopefully in a year's time the industry will have perked up and I can tell my smirking line manager where to stick his job.
I can't afford to travel home every week end so only manage to see my wife and home every fortnight.
Anybody else in this predicament?

Offline dave500

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #17 on: February 27, 2010, 02:06:37 AM »
rhoss1355,im an old pommy aswell,im/were(my aussie wife)if you cant buy it,,you dont get it mentallity aswell,in the 80s i had a house i paid 38500 dollars for,,i also bought a mack truck for 35000 dollars two years later,,credit is needed in this big spend type thing,we had little luxuries,the mack broke a crankshaft two months after and cost 15000 dollars to repair!!!man what a nightmare,,,this is where credit comes in,,to my mind,,,not just spending for the hell of it on consumer throw away goods,,interest at the time was like 19percent!!,,look at the numbers,,the truck cost near as much as the house to buy,,and half again to fix it,,ive worked long and hard and got from behind that 8 ball,so have many others ,,im never going there again,,,ive been solvent for years now,,that was a bad period,,the saving grace was house prices skyrocketed after a few years and we cashed in,!!credit where its needed.having to move to keep your job at your expense sounds very unethical!!circa 1800s
« Last Edit: February 27, 2010, 02:11:19 AM by dave500 »

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #18 on: February 27, 2010, 04:29:06 AM »
Well done mate, I had to take out a new credit card last year to buy my brother's new Triumph Rocket III, due to his marriage falling apart. He desperately needed the money and I could afford the card, and if it all turns to crap I could sell the bike and pay the card off a couple of times over, so no biggie. I'm in the process of finishing off a couple more of my "project" bikes so I can sell them, and then all I'll owe is the mortgage on my house, but once again, it's easily affordable too, so no biggie.

I've just been offered a job as an instructor teaching military folk a new computer based logistics sytem being introduced soon, as boring as watching paint dry I know, but the salary is a little over $2K US per week, so I'm seriously considering it.

The trouble is I'll spend the next 6 months at least living out of a suitcase and sleeping in a different motel room every week, and while I like travelling, I think it'll get very old, very quick. On top of that I'd at least have to take leave without pay from the company I currently work for, or quit my job completely, which would be a shame as I love the freedom to do my own thing that it allows me, (I'm a logistic adviser/mentor for a military contractor and I regularly travel between 6 defence bases here in my home state) particularly getting to visit my elderly parents once a week, something that I haven't done much in the 30 years since I left home, and won't be able to do if I take on this new job. Fcuk it, I think I just talked myself out of taking the job, I was looking forward to paying out my credit cards too! ;D
I was feeling sorry for myself because I couldn't afford new bike boots, until I met a man with no legs.

So I said, "Hey mate, you haven't got any bike boots you don't need, do you?"

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #19 on: February 27, 2010, 05:55:11 AM »
OK, I gotta take the unpopular stance here, basicly you renigged on a contract, you spent money you did not have, in effect you borrowed and did not pay back, you stole. Would everyone here be OK if he had borrowed thousands of dollars from a forum member and then said he will only pay you back .33 cents on the dollar? What if he agreed to sell you 4 pistons for a certain price and then only shipped one? I have seen how rough we are on sellers that take to long to ship or don't ship at all; double standards people. Although I do not know the whole story (job loss, medical) the comment that he would rather buy a new guitar rather than pay his obligations tells me how he may have ended up in this situation.

How about this, what if everyone went to get their paycheck and it was only 1/3 of what you thought it should be, would we all be sitting around telling your company, good job; good for you company for not having to pay all the money that was owed to people who we agreed to pay? Don't spend money that you can't pay back, pay back your obligations, and you're right, your credit is f***ed for quite some time.

(stepping off soapbox, donning flamesuit)

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #20 on: February 27, 2010, 08:24:02 AM »
They didnt lend him the full amount, its probably mostly interest.

 Usury at its finest..

 Why would they accept a third, if it was not OK to them.

 They set the "INTEREST TRAP", they know it will get people in trouble.. They probably have the original paid off PLUS interest.
They let them go so far till they are buried and can never get out..
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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #21 on: February 27, 2010, 12:05:26 PM »
754; I understand your point of view, but remember no one made him borrow the money, he borrowed it voluntarily and agrreed to the terms and agreed to pay it back. A lot of it propably was interest compounded by the fact that he had been late and was getting late fees. They agreed to a lessor amount because they figure it is better than nothing at all which is what they may have recieved had they not accepted a settlement.

I agree that the CC companies make the rules and they are not always understandable or what we should expect as consumers (heard of 60 day rolling interest?), but like any unhealthy habit, CC's should only be used in moderation.

I also agree that is is a tough situation to be in but unless it is known that Burke was a good money manager, had spent his money wisely, saved for a rainy day, and only used the card for essentials (movies, eating out, and guitars are not essentials) then I rest my case. What if he only paid you .33 cents on the dollar if he had borrowed from you?

I always enjoy a good debate and can see both sides, I hope he uses this chance to rethink and rebuild; and yes, I have seen tough times too.

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #22 on: February 27, 2010, 06:12:03 PM »
I would gladly accept 33 on a buck from a few companies I did work for..

 Not an expert on CC, but I am sure there is a formula for figuring when a client will never ever be able to pay them off.. There is a pattern after a while..

 Its just business to them..

 If you sell liquor to someone who has proven themselves a pisstank, are you surprised if they screwup.??
Maker of the WELDLESS 750 Frame Kit
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Offline edbikerii

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #23 on: February 28, 2010, 02:31:45 PM »
I agree with you in principle,  but I wouldn't go so far as to say it is stealing.  The cc company did AGREE to take 1/3, and they approached him -- mostly because they extract >20% interest on other people.  I'm sure they figured 1/3 was better than the NOTHING they were expecting to get.

Um yeah, buying a $700 guitar when you owe money to other people is pretty selfish, irresponsible, and just plain stupid, actually.  But, he DIDN'T buy it.

754; I understand your point of view, but remember no one made him borrow the money, he borrowed it voluntarily and agrreed to the terms and agreed to pay it back. A lot of it propably was interest compounded by the fact that he had been late and was getting late fees. They agreed to a lessor amount because they figure it is better than nothing at all which is what they may have recieved had they not accepted a settlement.

I agree that the CC companies make the rules and they are not always understandable or what we should expect as consumers (heard of 60 day rolling interest?), but like any unhealthy habit, CC's should only be used in moderation.

I also agree that is is a tough situation to be in but unless it is known that Burke was a good money manager, had spent his money wisely, saved for a rainy day, and only used the card for essentials (movies, eating out, and guitars are not essentials) then I rest my case. What if he only paid you .33 cents on the dollar if he had borrowed from you?

I always enjoy a good debate and can see both sides, I hope he uses this chance to rethink and rebuild; and yes, I have seen tough times too.
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Offline Burke

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Re: Time to Settle up
« Reply #24 on: February 28, 2010, 07:28:22 PM »
To give a little more background, My wife had lost her job about a year ago, and at that time my income was greatly reduced. I worked in the automotive field and, about a year ago, it was really tough. I made the mistake of using the CC's to make ends meet and figured that it would pick up and I would pay them off. Well it has not picked up and here I am.
I have failed on my debts and I am sure this will haunt me for many years to come.
Those who have been there know, those who have not, well, will judge. They have that right.

My wife has been trying very hard to find a job, she does have a degree, which is a doulbe edge sword. She's either competing with every one else who has a degree, or she's over qualified because she as one.

Others here in MI are having more difficult time than us.  I still have my house, other do not. Who knows how this economic event will turn out.