Maybe this is a little crazy, but it seems logical...
I search the web looking for bikes, as I'm sure many of us do. The problem is, I find what I think are great deals but they might be 100-400 miles away. I'm willing to travel that far to get the right bike, but if they are a good deal, they get snapped up before I can make arrangements to see them.
So here is my thought... I live in Brooklyn, I have a car, and I just enjoy talking about, looking at, and playing with these bikes. I would be willing to check out bikes in the area for other people who live further away, take photos, verify what the seller is saying is correct...
Are there others who feel the same way?
I suppose some people like to keep their potential great-find-goldmines to themselves lest they risk exposing the bike to more interested buyers who might live closer, have more free time to look at bikes, etc...
Maybe this would be all for nothing anyway, seems like the really good deals get snatched up so fast that there would be no time to make this kind of arrangement anyway...
Just thinking out loud