Well nearly.

To update, this is based on CB360 stuff shoehorned into 550 cases. Ellis at Moore Performance Engineering made me five different gears and a new mainshaft to tighten ratios a bit. He did a nice job. These are not Yosh type ratios, but for reasonable money will be an improvement over original.
Overall reduction is 56.3%, but 1st gear will be launch only with 2nd through 6th at 43.7%

I asked the shop to undercut the engagement dogs full length because this gearbox shares little with the original, different shimming, dog width, etc. Well they didn't so I will finish this work by hand.

Getting the thing to fit the 550 cases took the usual machining, engine cases, gear width, bearing case widths. Fiquring the shift fork shaft placement and altering the drum took the most amount of head scratching.
All the gearbox bearings sat inside the engine cases somewhat and these needed to sit flush to gain space. On the mainshaft I used a different needle bearing and repositioned the locating pin, the opposite end ground 2mm off the outer race. On the countershaft the needle bearing case was ground thinner and a thinner 650 needle used. A new locating ring groove was cut (in the upper case)to position the opposite ball bearing outward. This means less space for the seal, but I made a seal retainer to help make sure it stays put.
This is the thinner bearing that sits flush.

This is the original. It doesn't show but it protrudes 2mm or so inside case.

This also shows the new retaining pin & ring positions for MS bearings.

Here is the 550 drum on top with the original 360 piece.

Two 360 shift drums, I'm commited now!

550 drum in center, 360 right. Machined the drum and then silver brazed a stub shaft the proper length to attach the modified drum end. When finished this will allow use of all the 550 shift mechanism.

Cut off 360 drum end compared to the 550 piece.

550 left, finished part in the center, 360 right

I wanted to use all of Hondas improvements in transmission lubrication so machined the mainshaft for the "oil auger" and the countershaft to accept the drive for the trochoid pump.

/edit : removed links to photobucket at bwallers request~mlinder