I spoke to his lordship a few days ago and the bike is now running so please take this as a second Mr tipper old bean.

I have no problem with it. If my lord jumps in and does the accept, I am kewl. If other members have something to say. We can easily go through the motions again. Then I get to add another rule to the rules, lol.
Wow! Thanks for the kind words guys, however, I don't think I can accept just yet. The CR750 is most definitely a runner BUT, I
promised to post a video of it running on the forum and because of my back operation I haven't been able to do that, yet. It's not far off though so in the spirit of keeping my word, honesty, integrity and lots of other good intentions, I think I should be withdrawn from this BOTM. Once I've posted the video of the bike running, if anyone still thinks my bike is worthy of entering in the competition I'd be hugely flattered but until then, I'll be more than happy to watch these other superb machines slug it out from the sideline.