A lot of your decision is going to have to be based on your wants & needs. The XS650 (as previously stated) is an engine good enough to have created a large following, has quite a few parts available and a website (to check out stock, custom, cafe racer, bobber, & chopper styles) Also Mike's XS has a large on-line catalog. Now then while I personally thing they would be great around town and maybe short trips, I would have to say I don't believe you would want to try it on anything else. The CB650 on the other hand, is a great bike and I don't believe you'd have any problems with any situation that you put it in. I like both bikes. I like the XS because it is a simple design, has a "British look", and parts for it shouldn't be that hard to find. Also, you should check out the web site which is 650motorcycles.com because, there are plenty of ideas that you might like and could apply to the CB650 also. I like the CB650 (& CB550 & CB500 & CB400 too, myself & the CB750, etc) I think the CB650 would be "at home" no matter what the situation. But, the choice is yours. I hope I haven't alienated (I guess I spelled that right) anybody but, the fact is while I like so many of the Honda models, I do like the XS650 & SR500 Yamahas. Forgive me. Bill