In real life I have to dumb myself down in order to fit in. I still ride a bicycle but only if it is warm and then only to starbucks for coffee and a smoke. I tend to talk to much, more so if my sugars are out of whack, I tend to tick people off with my honesty and it usually gets me in trouble mainly because most people don't really want the truth, they can't handle it as Jack would say. On line I am ten feet tall and bullet proof, ah to be young and invincible again if only in my dreams.
Hey that's cool mate, I always wondered what happened to Peewee Herman after the "dick" incident?

Hey, re: the honesty thing, I've found that you can be 100% honest with people without ticking them off, but it's the way you deliver your "honesty" that makes all the difference. It may well be that they CAN handle the truth, you just don't know how to deliver it.

(**** Tia, if you are reading this, PM me. I'll call you, but I don't think I'm the "relationship type".)
Thanks Ed, but I'm married mate. To a woman.
Australia. (you gay guys with your subtle nuances............................
