I have started doing some work on my '80 CB650C recently. I'd picked up a few things off of ebay, Mickey and a gas tank from Terry (cb650, not TIA). Well, Terry's gastank didn't have a gas cap, but the leaking tank I got with the bike, had a good cap w/a key. So a day or 2 ago, I pulled the gas tank off of the bike (the P.O. had put an '82 tank on there) and then I put the '80 tank on there. Then I started looking for the old leaky tank, to get the gas cap. I could not find that tank anywhere. I looked in my garage (which is full) but I should have been able to see it and couldn't. I looked in my building out back, nothing! I looked in my storage unit, nothing! I EVEN looked in the back of my van AND in the house! I've been looking off and on for 2 or 3 days! I had not found that tank anywhere! I even called my buddy Eddie and asked him if I gave the tank to him to fix the leaks and I hadn't. As a last ditch effort, I once again went out to the building out back. I opened the doors, turned on the light and there, on my CB550 frame (that I started on a Cafe build several years ago and didn't get very far with), was that gas tank sitting there and the thing is, I had put my hand on the frame and DID NOT SEE THE TANK,
with "THE GAS CAP", that I had been looking for all this time!
I just could not figure out why I was overlooking something as big as that gas tank!
Guess it was some of those SENIOR MOMENTS!