I am just about set to tackle adjusting my valves for the first time on my '74 CB750. I've done it a few times on my bimmer so it's not a totally new undertaking.
I am confused with what the Honda shop manual says about the order of adjusting valves:
The shop manual says to watch the #1 intake valve then look for the "T" mark, timing mark, and 1-4 cylinder mark. When they line up the manual says the #1 piston will be a TDC.
The manual goes on to say that the #1 intake/exhaust, #2 exhaust, and #3 intake valves can be checked from this point. Rotating the crankshaft 360 degrees from this position allows me to check the #2 intake, #3 exhaust, and #4 intake/exhaust valves.
My confusion is that I thought there would be more rotating of the crankshaft required to get all the cylinders to TDC and the valves in the position to adjust. Can I really adjust the 4 valves listed above then rotate the engine 360 degrees and adjust the other 4 valves?
I warned you it was a noob question. Thanks for help in advance.