Author Topic: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!  (Read 6211 times)

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #50 on: March 10, 2010, 03:37:25 PM »

Clearly you have misunderstood my intention with posting my input and taken it as a personal attack on your society and your American rights and freedoms.

My intention was to illustrate that through individual education and knowledge of the laws, maybe the incident that killed an innocent could have been prevented. I never once brought up the subject of US gun control.

I humbly present the following for you to consider:

1. I was not aware that Canada is a "British Ruled Territory" ; haven't been since 1867

2. I was also surprised to hear that my privilege to posess firearms, may be removed on the whim of my opressive Canadian government; didn't know we had one of those either.

3. Media manipulation? So an innocent did not die because of a stray bullet? Thought so

4. Never once did I suggest your right to bear arms be revoked nor did I suggest the "hurdles" I had to go through create a better system or suggest it placed me in an "elite group". I described what I went through simply to illustrate that there are differences. I merely suggested that education and knowledge of the law be factored into your right to bear arms so that lives are not lost while in the process of you exercising that right.

5.This is my favourite:  "And, it is not so surpising that members of the military accept being told what to do and how to think by a superior authority, as well as what rules are to be followed." 

May I ask what branch of the military you served in? I don't believe you have. If you had you would know better than to make such an uneducated comment about the military. After all it is the US armed forces that are the ones who sacrifice themselves preserving the "rights and freedoms" that you take for granted.

But clearly I am incorrect and we military types are just a bunch of mindless government zombies who are unable to think for ourselves. I have served in a war zone alongside US troops and you have shown a clear disrespect to those who protect your homeland.

You go ahead and enjoy your rights and I will continue to enjoy my privileges.

One last point

In 1994 the gun death rates per 100,000 people were as follows

US  14.24
Canada 4.31

I think I will stick with my "oppressive British ruled territory" and their silly privileges. By the way I still have the freedom to go shoot my handguns on the weekend too.

If ever there was a creator of bastard sons, it is the open road, for she has claimed so many young men yearning for freedom......

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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #51 on: March 10, 2010, 03:40:52 PM »
I have a Carry Concealed handgun permit. I have been trained above that of the average person. The US is a Sovereign Nation with it's own Constitution. It is not the Canada, the UK or the EU. Our Constitution allows for the private ownership of Firearms, this has been upheld by the Supreme Court, and may be further upheld in a new ruling. If it is defined in the Constitution, it is a right under US law.
If it is not in the Constitution it is not a right. Driving a Vehicle, practicing Medicine, purchasing alcohol fall under privileges and can be granted and revoked as such.

I personally do not think that everyone should be able to own a Firearm. Convicted felons, the mentally disabled etc.

Ten years ago my County decided that they wanted everyone to renew their permits. The official reason was since some permits had been issued in the 1920's, some of these folks may no longer be alive. This is a reasonable argument.

In practice it was not so reasonable. One fellow owned several cars and his kids and wife had collected a 4 parking tickets they never paid. The County felt this showed he was of poor character and revoked his permit.

Another fellow and his wife were washing their cars and he chased her around the yard with the hose and she was screaming, someone called the Cops and the call was logged as a Domestic, the Cops and the couple has a good laugh. The revoked him since they looked at the call log and not the disposition.

What has prompted this backlash by Firearms owners is the capricious nature of local ordinances that have taken what is a bonafide right and turned it into a privilege that is essentially granted or not by the whims of local Politicians. This is wrong, and will be corrected by the Court.

I cannot expect those living outside the US to understand. In our Schools we are taught that our greatest heroes were rebels who risked their lives to gain relief from the whims of Politicians. The average Man was expected to take up arms to protect his home, community, and Constitution rights.

Back in the 1700's the US experiment was quite unique, and over the last 234 years many Nations have follwoed some of the US model to greater and lesser extents. Canada has a Constitution but they do not have the same First Amendment the US does. I have been to Canada and people certainly speak their minds in print, so it works for them and I would never criticize that situation. It is a Sovereign Nation, that borders the US, so US law stops at the Border. What works for Canada, is Canadian business.

What happened out in the street between these individuals is only known to those involved. All we know for sure is that  a child is dead and that is sad. Would I have tried to shoot it out with escaping robbers? No I would not. Would I shoot someone trying to harm my family or neighbors? Yes I would.          
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 05:47:35 AM by BobbyR »
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #52 on: March 10, 2010, 03:43:59 PM »
A good case for jury nullification.  I worked for the US Justice Dept.  for 23 years .  Stay as far away from the government as you can they are not your friends.

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #53 on: March 10, 2010, 04:11:12 PM »
Bobby. i agree with all you have stated, I cannot pretend to understand the US "rights" as I am not a US citizen. That is why I have taken no steps to criticize your system.

The right to bear arms is a brilliant concept, it allows people the freedom to protect their property and homes and the ones they love. The only issue I have here is when someone uses the right to bear arms as an excuse for the irresponsible use of firearms.

I also agree that revoking someones gun permit in the situations you described above is ridiculous government action.

We are all patriots to our countries in our own right.
If ever there was a creator of bastard sons, it is the open road, for she has claimed so many young men yearning for freedom......

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Offline BobbyR

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #54 on: March 10, 2010, 05:05:52 PM »
Bobby. i agree with all you have stated, I cannot pretend to understand the US "rights" as I am not a US citizen. That is why I have taken no steps to criticize your system.

The right to bear arms is a brilliant concept, it allows people the freedom to protect their property and homes and the ones they love. The only issue I have here is when someone uses the right to bear arms as an excuse for the irresponsible use of firearms.

I also agree that revoking someones gun permit in the situations you described above is ridiculous government action.

We are all patriots to our countries in our own right.
Good point. I have a permit to carry a Pistol, I do not have a permit to use that Pistol any way I personally see fit. I can only use it under circumstances defined by law. If I break the law I am just another criminal. The thing about Rights no matter you live is to protect those rights.

Once you allow your rights to be eroded under whatever pretense, they will be gone forever. It is not pro or anti gun that is at issue, it is about rights. The nuts on both sides of the issue just stir up the pot. In States with liberal laws have few problems, most guns are in the closet or nightstand and collect dust.

I have been in liberal States and strict States and contrary to media reports I have never witnessed gunfights in the streets in any of them. I was in a La Quinta Hotel outside of Boston and three people got in a fight and stabbed each other down the hall. I did change Hotels in the morning.



« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 06:05:05 AM by BobbyR »
Dedicated to Sgt. Howard Bruckner 1950 - 1969. KIA LONG KHANH.

But we were boys, and boys will be boys, and so they will. To us, everything was dangerous, but what of that? Had we not been made to live forever?

Offline cb650

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #55 on: March 10, 2010, 05:25:53 PM »

My intention was to illustrate that through individual education and knowledge of the laws, maybe the incident that killed an innocent could have been prevented. I never once brought up the subject of US gun control.


Regardles of the "laws and rights"  in this instance some waste of flesh cnt decided to take the "family" out to break the law.  SHE was the instigator. 
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Offline Inigo Montoya

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #56 on: March 10, 2010, 05:39:04 PM »
The problem is that the media and gun control groups will use this to smear gun owners.

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #57 on: March 11, 2010, 02:57:21 AM »
Inigo, thanks for the +1

I think you an few others actually understood what I was trying to convey
If ever there was a creator of bastard sons, it is the open road, for she has claimed so many young men yearning for freedom......

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Offline bill440cars

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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #58 on: March 11, 2010, 03:51:53 AM »
Inigo, thanks for the +1

I think you an few others actually understood what I was trying to convey

       I see what you and others are saying. I HAVE to say that I really like the fact that this hasn't turned into a "Free For All" and clear input has been placed here. 8) There's alot of responsibility that has to be accepted, when owning and using guns. I can see where incidents might present themselves that would make a person want to grab the gun and take action, when you clearly shouldn't. I don't have one, even though I feel we should be able to, if are in the position to do so.

    I want to again "thank those who have posted good solid input here"

                                     Later on, Bill ;)
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Re: Some People DON'T Have A CLUE!
« Reply #59 on: March 11, 2010, 04:47:19 AM »
OK Mark and TT I'm not up to my usual smarts because of the flu, cold, I suppose that I didn't explain my self properly the thing that gets me is your automatic assumption that because we're not americans we haven't worked out solutions to the problems we all face, yes they maybe different but if they work what's the problem and the other thing don't throw us into the same company as the russians or brits or any one else for that matter, because the rebuttal is one that you are not going to like. Am I anti gun no, I've shot since I was 15 in the aircadets, in the RCAF and as a private citizen everything from a Lee Enfield Mk 4, Ruger Mini 14, a 98k various .22 and other calibers, single shot, semi auto, bolt action, and several hand guns at one point I could put 4 out of 5 in a pie plate at a hunderd yards, meters, open sight, scope with up to 7 different weapons, so am I afraid of guns no, I'm afraid of idiots. Should that woman and those teens be charged, Christ yes, as we used to say drag their own crosses up the hill, should the guy whipping out side and firing be charged of course, should there be mitigating circumstances for him, of course but he still went outside of his residence and fired that contravenes your law and ours as well. As far as rights go that's something you take and fight with the gov later.
Bill the demon